Can you help?

Government of Canada to Match Donations for Sahel Crisis

In the Sahel region of West Africa, drought, food shortages and malnutrition continue to affect more than 18 million people.

The Government of Canada has taken an important step in bringing relief to those struggling with hunger, announcing that it will match all donations for the Sahel emergency through the new Sahel Crisis Matching Fund.
PWS&D is Responding

Presbyterian World Service & Development is responding to urgent needs for food in partnership with Canadian Foodgrains Bank. To date, $10 million has been committed to projects in Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali, reaching over 278,000 people.
Click here to find out what PWS&D is doing to combat hunger in the Sahel.

Help Multiply Support

You and your congregation have an opportunity to take action against hunger and double overall support for the Sahel by making a donation through PWS&D. To be eligible for matching funds, donations must be made bySeptember 30.

*Donations can be made online, through your church, by mailing a cheque to the office or calling 1-800-619-7301 ext. 291. Please mark all donations as “Sahel Africa Relief.”
Spread the word!

A new bulletin insert is available to help raise awareness with your congregation. Please print and distribute broadly or order printed copies by contacting Emily Vandermeer at or 1-800-619-7301 ext. 293.

Click here to download a new Sahel bulletin insert.
Click here for a PowerPoint presentation on the Sahel.
Click here for new video “On the Brink.”
* If your church sends in one lump-sum cheque to PWS&D of donations made by individuals, please also submit a list of names of the donors and the amount of their donation. This list is necessary documentation for PWS&D’s attestation to the Canadian government for the matching fund program. Please send the list by mail or email to Laura Fenwick.