July 29th – August 2nd; 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
New this year … half day options. You can choose to participate for the whole day, or the morning or the afternoon! This camp is for younger campers, JK – Grade 6. JK’s will be paired with Junior Leaders. The morning session will be at St. Andrew’s Hespeler and the afternoon session will be at St. James Anglican. The walk to St. James will be fully supervised!
In the morning we will be learning about nutrition, how to make healthy snacks and safe, non-toxic craft items (like modeling clay); and how to appreciate and take care of the bodies and health that God has blessed us with.
Our morning will be filled with games, some crafts, bible stories, songs and creating in the kitchen!
And in the afternoon we will learn from Music and the Mind speaker Annetta Whetham about the changes that engaging in music makes on our brains! Learn how professional musicians’ brains are different from those who have never played music!