At St. Andrew’s we are so blessed to be able to “Share the Warmth” with our church community and the community of Hespeler and Cambridge.
Indeed this year we were able to bring together 3 different groups from the Cambridge Community to provide a wonderful Christmas experience & celebration for many families and children who are in need of a little extra help, especially during the holidays.
With many, many thanks to all those who helped with the Thursday Night Supper & Social Christmas celebrations these past 2 Thursdays. Thank you to all who donated “gift basket” items, and toys for the children, who donated food for the Christmas dinner; and to all those who helped set-up, clean-up, plan, wrap, prepare and participate! May you be blessed with His peace and joy this Christmas time.
Thank you, especially to Target for providing several gift cards; a local book club for providing basket “goodies”; and The Cambridge Pee Wee Lions for purchasing the gifts for the children
(this is a Champion team, in more ways than one! pictured below)
Cambridge Pee Wee Lions (above and below)
Santa arriving
Santa all ready to talk with the children and hand out some wonderful gifts!

Checking the List
Even the big “kids” wanted to talk with Santa!