In the past, Karen Nixon with the Beth McIntosh Groups’ oversight led this magnificent legacy and literally “thousands” of pies were sold in short order. Karen’s skills at St. Andrews are both legendary and earned through years of dedicated down in the trenches hard work. I doff my chef’s toque to her and the groups she led in virtually every task at the Church.

In all honesty, we need all the help we can get on this challenge. This is an open invitation to join the team. 

 “The Angels are in the details” according to Canon, Karen Kovacs”

This Session sanctioned Fund-Raiser has been implemented to reduce debts and make us self-sustainable. The merchandising starts October 23 and all orders must be received on or before November 13th. Pies will be released to customers on Saturday the 26’th., Sunday the 27 and Monday the 28th.  In between then and now, the magic has to happen. All and any are welcome to join us for an hour or the full 3-4 days it takes. A detailed schedule for times will be delivered shortly including morning/evening and afternoon slots for your participation. The rest of the details will be revealed soon.

Rob H, COS