Please join us this Sunday, Palm Sunday as we begin Holy Week.

The scripture readings for Sunday are:  

  • Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29
  • Luke 19:28-40
  • Isaiah 50:4-9a
  • Philippians 2:5-11
The message is: Palming off the Palms
If you have any questions or comments about the scripture readings or message please contact Rev. Scott McAndless at

All children, friends, grandchildren, neighbours are invited to join Joni Smith in the foyer at 9:45 am, just prior to the beginning of the service so that we can parade into the church together.

The Thursday Night Supper & Social Gala dinner event is also on Sunday evening, 5:00 pm and there are still a few tickets left.  The menu includes ham and turkey & all the fixings.  This year the ticket price of $15.00/person includes dessert as well.