Focus Passage: Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28
This week we move from Jacob’s dreams to the problems the dreams of his favorite son Joseph cause among the siblings. The brothers decide they can get even with him by killing him, but Rueben decides they should just throw him in a pit, but then they end up selling him to some Midianites. And so the stage is set for Joseph’s dreams to come true…and for God’s dream to be realized through his people. 
How are we embracing God’s dream for our world?
Are we letting  jealousies and fears keep us from dreaming big?

Prayer: God help us to remember and work for your dream for our world. May we not give in to fear, but work for justice and peace.  Amen

This weekly focus is intended for families and Sunday School students, but we encourage everyone to read these scripture lessons and think about the focus. If we all focus on the same bible passages we will be better equipped to talk to our younger people about what we have learned in church or from the bible.