Author: StAndrewsHespeler

Body, Mind and Soul – Study Guide on Human Sexuality

Posted by on Wednesday, January 6th, 2016 in News

On Wednesday, January 13 at 7:30 pm, we will begin our study of Body, Mind and Soul - A Study Guide on Human Sexuality. This study has been published by the Life and Mission Agency (specifically Justice Ministries) and by the Church Doctrine Committee and is designed to help congregations to enter into a respectful and thoughtful conversation about what can be controversial and divisive issues in the church.

It is our hope that, as a result of this study, we may be able to respond back to the national church as they seek to find the best ways to relate to various groups in our society who may have diverse views on sexuality and sexual morality.

It is understood, going into this discussion, that we will likely not all agree about what the positions of the church ought to be in all such matters. This is okay and may even be a good thing. Diversity of opinion is an indication, after all, that people feel passionately about things that are very important.

So everyone is certainly invited to attend and participate. Materials will be provided, but if you would like to prepare for the discussions ahead of time, I would like to suggest that you download the document (using the link above) and read it. To prepare for the first discussion, I would suggest you read pages 14-37. Some copies of these pages will be available at St. Andrew's on this coming Sunday morning.

Hope we can see you there.
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We had a wonderful time

Posted by on Friday, December 18th, 2015 in News

Thursday Night Supper and Social was another wonderful success on the evening of December 17. A wonderful supper of Turkey, ham, stuffing, potatoes, pies and more was served to a roomful of happy people. We celebrated a birthday and welcomed a very special guest for the children:

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A special Thursday

Posted by on Thursday, December 17th, 2015 in News

Today is a special Thursday.

It's stocking stuffer day at Food Bank.  Julia brought lots of of great "stuffers" from Operation Christmas Child.  There are many items donated to the Christmas Shoeboxes that cannot be kept in them, i.e: liquids, any toy with a war theme (that tends to be a lot of lego themed kits), feather boas for girls, lots of candy, etc.  These items don't go to waste, they are distributed to local charities in order to help as many people out as possible.

We thank the talented ladies who have donated their beautiful knitted items.  There are colourful mittens, hats, baby items, sweaters, etc.  There will be a table of these items out at Food Bank today.

And lastly it is the annual Christmas dinner/party for Thursday Night Supper & Social.  The ladies have been busy cooking up a storm.  It smells incredible in the church. 
(please note that this will be the last Thursday Night Supper & Social until January 7th) 

Stocking stuffer items
Stocking Stuffer items

Beautiful Hand Knit items

Getting ready for dinner.

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Basket Night at Thursday Night Supper and Social

Posted by on Friday, December 11th, 2015 in News

Basket night is always a blast at the Thursday Night Supper and Social at St. Andrew's Hespeler. This year, thanks to the generosity of the people of the church and the community, we were able to fill 54 baskets to distribute to our special guests who come out week after week.

 A great time was had by all. Next week we will be welcoming the community in for a wonderful Christmas feast and, rumour has it, there may even be a special visitor for the kids.

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New Blog to Help Keep Everyone up to date

Posted by on Friday, December 11th, 2015 in News

Our Clerk of Session, Rob Hodgson, has the very important (and sometimes difficult) job of making sure that communications always flow as best as they can in the life of the congregation. He latest initiative to keep everyone informed is to create and maintain a blog for session news and information.

You can find his blog at the following link:
Session Clerk's Blog

If you subscribe to our News feed, you will receive notices whenever the blog is updated or you can go back to check it whenever you like.

We are in the process of reorganizing our home page to offer you easy access to all of our blogs.
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Posted by on Thursday, December 10th, 2015 in News

Hope Clothing staff is busy making Chocolate Chips cookies.  
All proceeds will go directly to Hope Clothing.  
The cookies are delicious and only $3.00 per dozen!

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