Author: StAndrewsHespeler

Memory Lane!

Posted by on Thursday, September 3rd, 2015 in News

St. Andrew's Hespeler is entering its 160th Anniversary!
In the coming year we look forward to hearing and sharing stories about our past.  
We also will be sharing some photos with you.  

Please stay tuned for more updates, events and fun throughout the coming year.

The first date for you to mark on your calendar is our Anniversary Weekend, October 24 and 25.  We are very excited to welcome Rev. Karen Horst (Moderator of General Assembly, 2015) as our guest preacher for worship on October 25th.  More details need to be confirmed about the weekend, so come back often to check for updates.

To start, here are 3 photos to enjoy!
Can you name the people in them?  Send names and comments to Joni ([email protected])

Have fun taking a stroll down memory lane!

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“Connecting Youth; Sharing the Stories: A Day of Learning about First Nations”.

Posted by on Wednesday, August 26th, 2015 in News

On Saturday, September 26; 8:30 am - 3:15 pm, at Knox Waterloo we will be learning about our connection to First Nations People.  What was the Presbyterian Church in Canada's role in Residential Schools?  What about Healing & Reconciliation (what does that even mean)?  This workshop is aimed at high school and young adults, but adults of all ages are also very welcome to attend.  Throughout the day we will all participate in the Blanket Exercise, a very moving dialogue/visual that will show us, in a very real way, what has happened to First Nations land tracts.  We will hear first hand from a Residential School survivor.  And lunch will be provided.  If you plan to attend please let Joni know ([email protected]).  This will be a very moving experience for everyone.

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