Author: StAndrewsHespeler

Holy Saturday Vigil

Posted by on Monday, March 30th, 2015 in News

Will you help us keep watch?
The sanctuary will be open from 8:00 am - midnight this Saturday, April 4th.  Reading materials will be available.  This is a time to pray, to reflect, to meditate.  You will have a chance to put a special prayer in our prayer box and light a candle while you pray.

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A Service of Prayer

Posted by on Friday, February 13th, 2015 in News

As many of you may know, Rev. Jeff Veenstra has recently been diagnosed with cancer.  Jeff was the minister at St. Andrew's Hespeler Presbyterian Church for a few years before heading to St. Andrew St. Paul, Montreal four years ago.  The past couple of months of surgeries and the beginning of treatments have been a very difficult journey for not only Jeff, but his family, too.  So many people have asked if there is anything we can do.  The calls and cards have been appreciated.  But there is something we can do.  We can lift Jeff & Diana and their family, and Jeff’s medical team up in prayer.  On Thursday, February 19th,  9:30 am we are going to do just that.  Rev. Scott McAndless, Rev. Marty Molengraaf &     Rev. Penny Garrison will be leading us in a special Service of Prayer.  We invite everyone to attend this time of prayer either here at St. Andrew's or where ever you happen to be.  We will be recording the service so that parts of the service can be sent to Jeff & Diana.  
In the meantime, please continue with your prayers.

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Food Bank today!

Posted by on Thursday, February 12th, 2015 in News

Food Bank today - the place is just hopping with lots of families and several new clients as well as the regulars. The need, unfortunately, is great but it's wonderful to be able to be part of a really excellent response. Today Pete and Sharon prepared the best chili to warm everyone up on this cold, cold day.

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Breaking News!

Posted by on Tuesday, February 10th, 2015 in News

This just in …

Members of Session crashed Soulidified's meeting on February 1st.  Session has challenged Soulidified to a game of Blind Beach Volleyball on Sunday, March 1st.

Who will you be cheering for?  Our elders or our youth?  Come out after worship (in the gym) to experience this great spectator sport!  Bring a picnic lunch if you like. Hotdogs and a few other goodies will be available.  This promises to be the must see event of the year!
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A new Children’s Choir

Posted by on Wednesday, January 28th, 2015 in News

Corey is busy picking out music for the new Children's Choir - very exciting!
The Children's Choir is for grades 2 - 8, or younger if your child can read.
The first practice will be this Sunday, February 1st after church, 
in the sanctuary with Corey for 30 minutes.

If you have questions or comments please contact our Music Director, Corey Cotter Linforth, [email protected]

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