Author: StAndrewsHespeler

Can we fill the carts?

Posted by on Wednesday, October 15th, 2014 in News

World Food Day - Thursday, October 16th!

This Sunday, October 19th, can you help our Sunday School children, Sunday School assistants and Youth Group members fill up 2 carts of groceries?

In honour of World Food Day, our food collection will be given to the 
Thursday Night Supper & Social program to help fill their cupboards.

If you are wondering what might be needed here check out our "Shopping List":
Hot Chocolate
White Sugar
Brown Sugar
Salt, Pepper
Canned Tomatoes
Canned Fruit
Canned Soup
Spaghetti Sauce, Elbow or Spiral Pasta
Jello Powders
Spices:  Dill, Parsley, Garlic, Celery Seed, Italian Spice, Dry Mustard
Cooking Oil & Cooking spray

Margarine or butter
Cheddar Cheese blocks

Thursday Night Supper & Social opens their doors once again this Thursday, October 16th.  Doors open at 5:00 pm.  Everyone is welcome to come for dinner, shopping at the Community Clothing Closet and for some fellowship and good company!

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Spud Sunday!

Posted by on Sunday, September 28th, 2014 in News

It was Spud Sunday Today (September 28)!

We brought in all of our potatoes that we planted in the spring and had a friendly "weigh in" competition to see who the "Grand Gardener" would be.

All potatoes and other fruit and vegetables were donated to Thursday Night Supper & Social.

Well done everyone!

Weighing everyone's biggest potato.

Co-Grand Gardener!

Co-Grand Gardener!

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Spuds … spuds … spuds!

Posted by on Monday, September 22nd, 2014 in News

This week's homework!  
Dig up those potatoes we planted in the spring, clean them off and bring them to church this Sunday, September 28th.  
We will weigh each person's biggest potato to see who will win the "Grand Gardener" title.  A small prize will be awarded to the winner and runner-up!

Our potatoes will be donated to Thursday Night Supper & Social.

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Mission Sunday, September 21 at 10:00 am

Posted by on Tuesday, September 16th, 2014 in News

The Mission Team will be sharing their experiences from July's trip to Winnipeg Inner City Missions.  Please join us for this very special worship service, at 10:00 am.

Having a picnic in the park with the children & wonderful staff from Flora House.

The Quilt of Remembrance

Preparing lunch for the Sunday picnic/worship in the park.  Our first "job" of our trip.

Another road trip with the older age group of children from Flora House.

Sunday's picnic/worship in the park!

Part of our tour of The Forks with Vivian.

We met Ghandi!

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Work … work … work …

Posted by on Wednesday, September 10th, 2014 in News

Progress is going well (and quickly) on our facility.
Thank you to the members (and others) of our Operations Committee for all of your dedication and hard work!

The Fellowship room, ready to be painted.

Vern cleaning up!  The Fellowship Hall, being painted.

Painting the Fellowship Hall.

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