Author: StAndrewsHespeler

The pies were great!

Posted by on Monday, June 16th, 2014 in News

Thank you, to Shirley and her group of happy pie makers, for baking such delicious pies.
And the potato salad was pretty awesome, too!

Thank you to everyone who supported this fundraiser for the Mission Trip to 
Winnipeg Inner City Missions in July.

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Calling all artists and lovers of beauty

Posted by on Tuesday, June 10th, 2014 in News

On Sunday, June 22, at St. Andrew's Hespeler, we will be exploring how the creation and enjoyment of beauty can open us up to experience the presence of God. To help us to do that, I am looking for some beautiful pictures that may aid us in our enjoyment of God -- especially pictures of nature and pictures that have been taken or created by the people of St. Andrew. If you have any such beautiful pictures (and I know that you have) please forward them to me at [email protected]a. Pictures will be used only for the service and I won't keep them after that or post them online without your permission.
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The trophies are finally here!

Posted by on Thursday, June 5th, 2014 in News

Now to make sure all the winners' names are on the correct trophy.  

I am getting excited!  Are you?  

Please come to our 3rd Annual Academy Awards this 
Sunday, June 8th, following our worship service.

PS:  Sorry, every time I tried to take a picture to show you, something happened to my camera!  You'll just have to come to our Awards event to see them!

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3rd Annual Academy Awards!

Posted by on Wednesday, June 4th, 2014 in News

Preparations are well underway for our 3rd Annual Academy Awards,
this Sunday, June 8th, following our worship service!

The nominations are in, the trophies are being engraved, the red carpet has been sent out to be steam cleaned, and …

… the Papparrazi are already lining up!

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Potato salad anyone?

Posted by on Friday, May 30th, 2014 in News

On Sunday, June 15th, following worship, the Mission Team will be selling
delicious, home made potato salad.
What could be better than a bar-b-que (with your MacMillan's order picked up on June 7th) complete with Potato Salad?
Other yummy surprises will also be available.

Please consider supporting our upcoming Mission Trip to Winnipeg Inner City Mission by purchasing some salad.  Thank you for your continued support!

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Mission Trip Update, July 2014

Posted by on Wednesday, May 28th, 2014 in News

Plans are well underway for our upcoming trip to Winnipeg Inner City Missions this July. 
Thank you to everyone who purchased MacMillan products to help us with this trip.  Pick up date is Saturday, June 7 at 10:00.

Please pray for our team:  Shirley, Scott, Jean, Joni, Alexis, Gabrielle, Joanne, & Theresa; for a safe and productive trip.

For more information about Winnipeg Inner City Missions please go to:

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