Author: StAndrewsHespeler

Calling all STARS!

Posted by on Wednesday, May 28th, 2014 in News

Sunday, June 8th following our worship service we will enjoy our

3rd Annual Academy Awards!

Every STAR is encouraged to attend, to receive your reward and celebrate another successful year of 
St. Andrew's STARS!

Bring your parents, your grandparents and all of your friends.

And, for everyone else who is not related to a STAR you are warmly invited to attend this ceremony, too. This ceremony is filled with favourite clips, special acceptance speeches and a whole lot of fun.  Please help us celebrate and encourage our youngest members!

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What do you think these will be used for?

Posted by on Saturday, May 10th, 2014 in News

Calling all of my young friends.  I need your help tomorrow and through out the summer.  Tomorrow we will be starting our very own "St. Andrew's (symbolic) Community Garden".  Please come to find out how you can help, and find out what these will be used for!
See you Sunday!  ~ Joni

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