Author: StAndrewsHespeler

It’s Contest Time!

Posted by on Thursday, July 4th, 2013 in News

Your new "Share the Warmth" Committee (the committee established to launch a capital campaign for our much needed new heating system) needs all artists!  We want to develop a Logo/image to use for our campaign that will become recognizable by our church community and the community of Hespeler.

Please help us.  We need you to develop a Logo/image that captures how we "Share the Warmth" at St. Andrew's Hespeler?  Deadline for submissions is noon on Friday, August 2nd.  You may submit your logo/image to Joni, [email protected] or a hard copy in person at church.  I heard there's quite a neat prize for the wining Logo/image!  The winner will be announced shortly after the deadline.  

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So much fun ……

Posted by on Sunday, June 23rd, 2013 in News

Thank you to all of our Paparazzi, Celebrity Presenters, families and most of all our STARS!
You are all awesome.

We had a great Gala Awards Event this morning, here is a small sampling of pics, more will follow as the Paparazzi send me their photos!

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Trophies are finished!

Posted by on Friday, June 21st, 2013 in News

The winners' names are all on the trophies now.  

They look fantastic.

No pictures now, that would spoil the surprises.

See you Sunday, June 23rd; 11:10 am in the sanctuary.

EVERYONE is welcome, it's going to be so much fun!
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It’s Wednesday already …

Posted by on Wednesday, June 19th, 2013 in News

... time is flying by way too quickly.
Still so much to do; 
keeping those persistent paparazzi away from the awards,
putting the finishing details on the trophies,
lining up celebrity presenters,
preparing the red carpet
and the list still continues!

So excited to see everyone on Sunday, June 23rd at 11:10 am for our special Gala Awards Event.
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I know who the winners are!!!

Posted by on Tuesday, June 18th, 2013 in News

Getting ready to put the categories and winners' names on the trophies.  
I'm working offsite, in an undisclosed location to ensure complete secrecy.

I can't wait for Sunday (at 11:10 am at St. Andrew's Hespeler)

You just have to be there to see what all the buzz is about!

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And the winner is …..

Posted by on Monday, June 17th, 2013 in News

... can't tell you yet, but we are busy tabulating the many nominations.  It's going to be a busy week preparing for the STARS Gala Awards event.

  • names to put on trophies
  • get the red carpet prepared 
  • finalize guest presenters
  • keep the paparazzi from taking pictures (there are some lurking about trying to sneak a peek!)

... please invite your friends and family.  The STARS Gala Event starts at 11:10 am in the sanctuary, this Sunday, June 23rd.

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Hello ….. welcome to St. Andrew’s …

Posted by on Monday, June 17th, 2013 in News

Attention Greeters!  The new Greeters schedule is finished, for July - December 2013.  You can check your mail slots for your copy.  If you would rather receive the schedule by e-mail, and don't receive one soon, please e-mail Joni @ [email protected] to receive yours.  Thank you for be involved in this ministry, your warm welcome each Sunday can make a difference to everyone who worships with us.

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Posted by on Thursday, June 13th, 2013 in News

The counting begins ....

Who will win for 

Best Jesus?

Best Spy?

Best Angel?

and the list goes on ...

Do you want me to tell you?  

The winners' names are being kept locked up now!

The STARS Gala Awards Event is on Sunday, June 23rd @ 11:10 am.

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Summer fun ideas for the family …

Posted by on Tuesday, June 11th, 2013 in News

Hey there,
If you are looking for some good ideas for summer fun with the family check out these 2 sites:
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