Author: StAndrewsHespeler

Thank you!

Posted by on Monday, November 26th, 2012 in News

Thank you to everyone who supported our Cookie Walk and Poinsettia sales this weekend.  We had lots of fun, some yummy treats and we realized a profit of approximately $500.00 for our Summer Program!

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Posted by on Tuesday, November 13th, 2012 in News

 As you know we are planning on a special taping this Saturday, November 17th @ 10:00 am, followed by a light Pot Luck lunch at Crieffhills Community Center.  There is a room available for us to have lunch in, providing our numbers are okay.

I have heard from some of you regarding whether you can come, but have not heard from others.   PLEASE LET ME KNOW , (Joni, [email protected]), if you think you are coming for lunch so that we can plan accordingly.  If our numbers are too large, we will have lunch back at the church.

The weather forecast looks to be in our favour on Saturday, sunny with a high of 6.  Please note that we will be outside, so dress warmly.  We are going to have a lot of fun!  Even more fun if all of you are there.

Please use the link to find out more about Crieffhills Community Center and for directions:

CHC Location Map
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Attention STARS!

Posted by on Monday, November 12th, 2012 in News

 St. Andrew's STARS!  Don't forget to join us at Crieffhills Community Center this Saturday, November 17th, followed by a light potluck lunch at the church.  This is a very important taping .... the Nativity.  The finished scenes will be seen on Sunday, December 16:  Family Advent Service at 10:00 am.  STARS make sure you invite your grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends to the service on December 16th. You won't want to miss this service.  There will be a lunch to follow the service and I have had confirmation of a very special visitor.  Blessings, Joni
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