Author: StAndrewsHespeler

Poinsettia orders

Posted by on Thursday, October 25th, 2012 in News

 Poinsettia orders need to be in by Tuesday, October 30th.  Pick up will be on Saturday, November 24th, just in time for Advent and Christmas decorating!  Proceeds from the poinsettia sales will help with our Summer Program.  Order forms are available at the church.  If you want a copy of the order form e-mailed to you, please contact the office, 519-659-2652.  Thank you for your support.
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Posted by on Thursday, October 25th, 2012 in News

 It is Turkey Pie time.  All turkey or turkey and vegetable are available.  Orders MUST be in by November 1st.  Pies will be ready for pick up on Wednesday, November 14th and Thursday, November 15th.  You will receive a phone call when your pies are ready to pick up.  Brought to you by our Beth McIntosh group.
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Ordination Service for Richard Warne

Posted by on Wednesday, October 24th, 2012 in News

We are very pleased to invite you to attend the Ordination Service of our brother in Christ, Mr. Richard Warne. Rick's ordination is this Sunday, October 28th, 3:00 pm, with light refreshments to follow. The Rev. Penny Garrison will be preaching. Rev. Mark Gaskin will read the charge. If you are unable to attend please lift Rick up in prayer so that his ministry at Knox, Jarvis/Chalmers, Walpole will be a blessing for Rick & his family and both of these congregations.
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Games Night – Mark your calendars!

Posted by on Tuesday, October 2nd, 2012 in News

 Floor hockey or your favourite board game!

Introducing a new group in our congregation: the Inbetweeners, a place where people of “in-between” age can find opportunities to belong and believe through fellowship and friendship, sharing and support. We will get together for some adult nights out during the year. Leave your children at home; come out and have some fun, meet your friends, make some new friends.

Our first official meeting will be on Saturday, October 13 at 7 pm until about nine. It will be a games night at the church. Bring your favourite card or board game and your favourite snack to share     (no nuts please).

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