Author: StAndrewsHespeler

We need a little help ….

Posted by on Thursday, September 27th, 2012 in News

  does anyone have boxing gloves or something very similar, or even karate suits/belts?  We need some for the STARS taping this Sunday, September 30th.  And if anyone has LONG pieces of rope that would be great too, .... oh, and an empty pizza box.   Are you curious now?  You'll have to wait and see.
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Another Scholarship winner!

Posted by on Tuesday, September 25th, 2012 in News

 Congratulations Becca!

High school students win Bill Struck Memorial Scholarship

Rebecca Paddock and Jessica Helwig are this year’s winners of the Bill Struck Memorial Scholarship.
Paddock, a student at GCI, was a captain on student council where she was involved in planning and running many school and community events. Along with being an outstanding student academically and a DECA member, Paddock played on the school’s field hockey and soccer teams, performed in the concert band and helped raise $40,000 for cancer research. Within the community, Paddock was a leader with the city’s summer playgrounds program and has been a volunteer in the community.
Helwig has been president of a number of groups at Southwood Secondary School, including the Student Music Activities Council, the Environmental Club and the Free the Children “We-School” Group. She has also found time to join three choirs, be on the Student Activities Council, Best Buddies Club, Grand River Environthon team, as well as a member of DECA. Outside school, she has worked as a lifeguard for the City of Cambridge, as well as assisting with a number of coffee house fundraisers.
This is the 13th year that the Bill Struck scholarship has been awarded to two students who have not only achieved success in school academics and athletics, but have also been involved in the community.
The scholarship was developed in memory of Coun. Bill Struck to honour his service to the community of Cambridge and his support of youth. Struck served 28 years on the Preston, Cambridge and Region of Waterloo councils until his death in 1997.
The Struck scholarship has been funded through City of Cambridge donations and fundraising initiatives by the Youth Advisory Council Cambridge. The scholarship was created in response to the many youth that are unable to access post-secondary education due to financial restraints.
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Scholarship winner!

Posted by on Tuesday, September 25th, 2012 in News

 Congratulations Christian!

Barnard winds Santarossa scholly

Christian Barnard was one of five Midwestern Conference players awarded with Frank Santarossa Memorial Scholarships.
The Cambridge Winter Hawk is an honours arts student at Wilfrid Laurier University, maintaining a 74 per cent average.
To be eligible for the $1,000 Santarossa scholarship, a player must have played in 60 per cent of his team’s games in the previous season, have an average not lower than 70 per cent and be enrolled in a Canadian university or college for the upcoming year.
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Andrew’s Voice – Latest Edition

Posted by on Monday, September 10th, 2012 in News

     The Back to Sunday School Fall 2012 edition of the newsletter is available now at this link: 

      Hard copies are available at church.  A great message from Scott, an introduction to our new Youth Leader, lots of start up dates and events - all can be found in this edition.  Please take the time to read through it and maybe join us for some of our programs and events.
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Sunday, September 9th

Posted by on Wednesday, September 5th, 2012 in News

 Welcome back!  Well, it isn't officially the beginning of the church year, but it does feel like we are all getting back into our regular routines.

Please join us this Sunday as we have a special morning full of important events.  First please join us for The Sacrament of Holy Communion.  Our children in Grade 4 + will be participating in Communion with their families.

If you are involved in any ministry within the life of St. Andrew's we urge you to attend the service this Sunday.  It is Commissioning Sunday as well and this is a way that we can lift each other up in prayer as we serve the community of St. Andrew's and show others the love of Jesus.

Sunday School Rally Day!!!!  A favourite Sunday for our Students!  If you bring a filled out & signed registration form to Joni after church, in the hall, you will receive a surprise treat.  Will there be Jelly Bean count contests this year, or will it be bubble gum, or some other surprise?  You have to come to find out!  See you there.

Oh, and what better way top off our Sunday, then CAKE SUNDAY?  We will celebrate those who have birthdays in July, August and September!

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Sahel Food Crisis!

Posted by on Tuesday, September 4th, 2012 in News

Can you help?

Government of Canada to Match Donations for Sahel Crisis

In the Sahel region of West Africa, drought, food shortages and malnutrition continue to affect more than 18 million people.

The Government of Canada has taken an important step in bringing relief to those struggling with hunger, announcing that it will match all donations for the Sahel emergency through the new Sahel Crisis Matching Fund.
PWS&D is Responding

Presbyterian World Service & Development is responding to urgent needs for food in partnership with Canadian Foodgrains Bank. To date, $10 million has been committed to projects in Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali, reaching over 278,000 people.

Click here to find out what PWS&D is doing to combat hunger in the Sahel.

Help Multiply Support

You and your congregation have an opportunity to take action against hunger and double overall support for the Sahel by making a donation through PWS&D. To be eligible for matching funds, donations must be made bySeptember 30.

*Donations can be made online, through your church, by mailing a cheque to the office or calling 1-800-619-7301 ext. 291. Please mark all donations as “Sahel Africa Relief.”
Spread the word!

A new bulletin insert is available to help raise awareness with your congregation. Please print and distribute broadly or order printed copies by contacting Emily Vandermeer at or 1-800-619-7301 ext. 293.

Click here to download a new Sahel bulletin insert.
Click here for a PowerPoint presentation on the Sahel.
Click here for new video "On the Brink."
* If your church sends in one lump-sum cheque to PWS&D of donations made by individuals, please also submit a list of names of the donors and the amount of their donation. This list is necessary documentation for PWS&D’s attestation to the Canadian government for the matching fund program. Please send the list by mail or email to Laura Fenwick.
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Games Night – Mark your calendars!

Posted by on Thursday, August 30th, 2012 in News

Floor hockey or your favourite board game!

Introducing a new group in our congregation: the Inbetweeners, a place where people of “in-between” age can find opportunities to belong and believe through fellowship and friendship, sharing and support. We will get together for some adult nights out during the year. Leave your children at home; come out and have some fun, meet your friends, make some new friends.

Our first official meeting will be on Saturday, October 13 at 7 pm until about nine. It will be a games night at the church. Bring your favourite card or board game and your favourite snack to share     (no nuts please).

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