Category: News

Keep up to date on our latest news.

Craft Sale!

Posted by on Wednesday, September 14th, 2016 in News

Here's a sneak peak of some of the items that will be for sale at our craft sale!


September 24th

8:00 am—noon

58 Hammet St.  


Proceeds will help Hope Clothing assist those in our     community who need some extra help clothing          themselves and their family.

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A second prayer circle for Cameron

Posted by on Saturday, August 20th, 2016 in News

This Thursday evening (August 25) at 7 pm, we will join together once again in the sanctuary at St. Andrew's Hespeler to form a circle and pray for Cameron Krueger and his family. We will ask God's assistance as Cameron continues to recover and build up his strength and health following his accident which caused a brain injury. Please join us if you are able to do so.

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Prayer circle

Posted by on Tuesday, August 16th, 2016 in News

This Thursday evening (August 18) at 7 pm, we will join together in the sanctuary at St. Andrew's Hespeler to form a circle and pray for Cameron Krueger and his family. We will ask God's assistance as Cameron learns to breathe again on his own without assistance following his accident which caused a brain injury. Please join us if you are able to do so.
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Some of our upcoming events

Posted by on Friday, August 12th, 2016 in News

Here's a little taste of what will be coming up.
There's more planned.  Please stay tuned for more details!

Our annual Sunday School Kick-Off will be on Sunday, September 18th.  I wonder if any or our children will earn their Golden Ticket?

Remembering all of our Public Educators (even those who have retired) and lifting them up in prayer on Sunday, September 18

Harvest Sunday on September 25th, with a collection for Thursday Night Supper & Social and the Grand Gardener Contest for the child who grows the biggest (by weight) potato!

September 24th, at 58 Hammett St.  All proceeds will help Hope Clothing.  All donations of hand crafted items are also very much appreciated.

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Do you have batteries to recycle?

Posted by on Monday, August 8th, 2016 in News

We have a member of our congregation who is a scout and is fundraising to go to Nova Scotia in 2017 for the Canadian Jamboree.  One way he is raising funds is to collect alkaline batteries.  We have a recycle bucket in the foyer of the church if anyone can help out.

(our local Scout group is not doing this exercise so we are not in conflict with them)

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Summer Fun!

Posted by on Wednesday, July 27th, 2016 in News

Several Summer Fun bags were delivered to our Sunday School children today!  Be sure to check in between your front doors, your front door knob or mailbox.  If you didn't get one, please ask me for one, I will be happy to get one to you.  These bags contain instructions for earning the Golden Ticket and the Golden Ticket checklist, as well as a little something else.

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Attention Sunday School Students!

Posted by on Wednesday, July 13th, 2016 in News

Who wants a Golden Ticket?

Sunday School Students stay tuned to find out how you can earn your own Golden Ticket and to find out how it works.  Sunday School students will soon get a letter detailing all the necessary information needed to earn one of these Golden Tickets.

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