Category: News

Keep up to date on our latest news.

Sunday, July 17!

Posted by on Tuesday, July 12th, 2016 in News

Please join us this Sunday at 10:00 am as we "welcome back" Rev. Karen Kovats.

There will be Sunday School, too, for our youngest members and friends.  
Children are invited to come to room 206 after the Children's Message with Karen.

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Hespeler Reunion Worship

Posted by on Sunday, July 10th, 2016 in News

We had a great community worship service this morning!  We welcomed Rev. Rick & Mary Warne back this morning and Rick preached our message.  The music was amazing; combined choirs from community churches, soloists and groups. And the food was really great afterwards, too! 
Many thanks to EVERYONE who helped out in any way.

It was a great time to renew old acquaintances and make new friends!

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This week at St. Andrew’s (June 26)

Posted by on Thursday, June 23rd, 2016 in News

Week after week, we always have important and meaningful things going on at St. Andrews. Even though Summer has now officially begun that is still true for June 26. This Sunday:

  • We will welcome three more members into our congregation. Three weeks ago we had seven new members, but there were three who were unable to be present because of important family reasons. We rejoice to welcome them this week!
  • Martin Bohl will be filling in at the organ this week and next. Martin is a very talented organist and we will certainly be blessed by his musical leadership
  • We will honour the work of Amy and Laura with our youth and thank them for their contribution to the life of Christ's church.
  • The minister will begin a new summer series of sermons focusing on ancient commandments and asking what it would look like if we applied them to life today. The first commandment: "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain."

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Save the date!

Posted by on Wednesday, June 22nd, 2016 in News

The Jeff-a-thon

In memory of Rev. Jeff Veenstra

Sunday, October 16th, 2016 at Crieff Hills Conference Centre.  Registration will begin at 1:30 pm, the walk/run to start at 2:00 pm.  Fun & Food afterwards!

To donate online you can go to:
If you like, you can choose a specific person to sponsor. The church who raises the most money (in the Presbytery of Waterloo-Wellington) will win a lunch, so please help us!

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June 19 at St. Andrew’s Hespeler.

Posted by on Thursday, June 16th, 2016 in News

As usual, there are lots of good reasons to be at St. Andrew's Hespeler on a Sunday morning. June 19 will be no exception. Here are some highlights:

  • We will, of course, be celebrating Father's Day, praying for and seeking God's blessings on the fathers among us and who have shaped our lives.
  • In response to the terrible hate crime perpetrated in Orlando last Sunday, we will pray and resolve to work for a better world and an end to the power of hatred for marginalized groups including LGBT people.
  • Special musical guest: Robert Dwyer.
  • Please note that, contrary to what was announced last Sunday, we will not be receiving new members this week. An important family matter for two of our candidates has meant that this will have to be postponed until June 26.
  • Our sermon, "What Jesus an "atheist" because he taught that God is Abba," will look at the surprising things that Jesus taught about God when he called God "Abba. Turns out that abba doesn't mean what you may think!
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A big thank you for some wonderful Hope Clothing volunteers

Posted by on Thursday, June 9th, 2016 in News

 Today at St. Andrew's we had a special lunch to celebrate our really wonderful group of volunteers who help out regularly at Hope Clothing. We couldn't help all of our local families as we do without their faithful assistance.

Want to know how dedicated these people are?

They are so dedicated that we almost had to drag them out of the room where they were busily and happily sorting and folding clothes so that they would come and eat the special meal we had prepared to thank them.

 Thanks to Jean, Carol, Joni and Karen for preparing the lunch and thank you (so much!) to Creme, Hespeler's wonderful corner cafĂ©, for donating some really tasty pastries for dessert!

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This Sunday at St. Andrews: Academy awards, celebrations of our kids and teachers and more!

Posted by on Thursday, June 9th, 2016 in News

St. Andrew's Hespeler will be celebrating in some pretty special ways this Sunday. I hope you can be with us as we rejoice together. Some of the highlights for this Sunday:

  • We will be celebrating the wonderful dramatic abilities of our children who have been part of the St. Andrew's Stars this year as we hand out our "Academy Awards!"
  • The Youth Band will be playing a couple of pieces of music that they have just been begging us to be able to play all year: "If I Could Fly" and also the "Doctor Who Theme" as a part of the Academy Awards ceremony.
  • We will recognize our Sunday School Students and make some special presentations to them.
  • We will recognize and thank our Sunday School teachers and also recognize a very special achievement by Joni Smith.
  • A very special guest soloist will be performing Max Reger's "Aria" for us on the cello.
  • The sermon, "Was Jesus an 'atheist' because he taught that God is insurgent," will continue to examine some of the radical things that Jesus taught us about God.

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Welcoming New Members

Posted by on Sunday, June 5th, 2016 in News

Worship this morning was a wonderful experience.
The Youth Band played for us; Jean M. sang a beautiful solo for the first time ever and we were blessed to have seven people make their Profession of Faith.

Welcome to our new members!

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