Category: News

Keep up to date on our latest news.

Holy Week & Easter services

Posted by on Monday, March 21st, 2016 in News

Please plan to join us for our Holy Week and Easter services.

Come for a short time, or as long as you like.  Devotional materials will be available.  You will have the opportunity to light a candle while you keep watch and write down a prayer and place it in the prayer box.

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A note to our Sunday School students!

Posted by on Friday, February 19th, 2016 in News

Just a quick reminder that our "Jar of Awesome" needs to be filled, so come prepared on Sunday to tell us something good about your week.  We will write it down and put it in the jar.  On Easter Sunday we will celebrate everything awesome!

This past Sunday we celebrated things like getting chocolate for Valentine's Day and mom making French Toast for breakfast!

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Roast Beef Dinner

Posted by on Tuesday, February 16th, 2016 in News

It's getting to be that time of year again.

Our Annual Roast Beef Dinner 
is being planned for Saturday, March 5th at 5:00 pm.
(Please note the change of time)  It is early this year because of Easter.

Tickets are now on sale.
We would also appreciate any help that you might be able to give.
Sign up sheets will be available on Sundays after worship or 
you can e-mail Joni.           [email protected]

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My Jar of Awesomeness!

Posted by on Sunday, February 14th, 2016 in News

This year our special Lenten project in Sunday School is to fill up our Jar of Awesome.  
Each week we will add something to the jar that celebrates the good news from our week.  By celebrating all of the good things in our lives we will stay positive and we will be reminded about the Good News that Easter brings us.

This week we celebrated things like: having French Toast for breakfast and getting some chocolates for Valentine's Day.

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Look who’s in CLUB 10!

Posted by on Sunday, February 14th, 2016 in News

This morning we celebrated some more CLUB 10 awards.  
Whenever a Sunday School students comes to our Sunday School class 10 times (not necessarily in a row) they get to choose something from the Treasure Chest.
Way to go everyone!

Choosing something from the Treasure Box.  Lots of choices!

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