Category: News

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Potato salad anyone?

Posted by on Friday, May 30th, 2014 in News

On Sunday, June 15th, following worship, the Mission Team will be selling
delicious, home made potato salad.
What could be better than a bar-b-que (with your MacMillan's order picked up on June 7th) complete with Potato Salad?
Other yummy surprises will also be available.

Please consider supporting our upcoming Mission Trip to Winnipeg Inner City Mission by purchasing some salad.  Thank you for your continued support!

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Mission Trip Update, July 2014

Posted by on Wednesday, May 28th, 2014 in News

Plans are well underway for our upcoming trip to Winnipeg Inner City Missions this July. 
Thank you to everyone who purchased MacMillan products to help us with this trip.  Pick up date is Saturday, June 7 at 10:00.

Please pray for our team:  Shirley, Scott, Jean, Joni, Alexis, Gabrielle, Joanne, & Theresa; for a safe and productive trip.

For more information about Winnipeg Inner City Missions please go to:

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Calling all STARS!

Posted by on Wednesday, May 28th, 2014 in News

Sunday, June 8th following our worship service we will enjoy our

3rd Annual Academy Awards!

Every STAR is encouraged to attend, to receive your reward and celebrate another successful year of 
St. Andrew's STARS!

Bring your parents, your grandparents and all of your friends.

And, for everyone else who is not related to a STAR you are warmly invited to attend this ceremony, too. This ceremony is filled with favourite clips, special acceptance speeches and a whole lot of fun.  Please help us celebrate and encourage our youngest members!

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