Category: News

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News from the Academy!

Posted by on Thursday, June 7th, 2012 in News

Woohoo, the red carpet has been laid, the stage is all set!  The top secret presenter envelopes are sealed and locked up until Sunday.  Are you coming the the Gala Awards Ceremony on Sunday after the luncheon to see what all the fuss is about?

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Acadamy Buzz has started!

Posted by on Tuesday, June 5th, 2012 in News

The Academy Buzz has started .......

The excitement is growing ..... the coveted golden statuettes have arrived with the winner's names engraved on them (well maybe not engraved) ...... the beautiful statuettes are now under lock and key, fiercely guarded until Sunday.

Are you coming to the awards ceremony after the luncheon on Sunday, June 10th?  Everyone is invited to attend this fun and action packed awards gala event.  Fun and surprises are sure to please everyone.

See you there!
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The Academy of St. Andrew’s Stars!

Posted by on Friday, May 11th, 2012 in News

The Academy is presently accepting nominations for our awards gala on Sunday, June 10, 2012 (following the service).  Please find nomination slips at the back of the sanctuary.  You may nominate as many Stars as you wish in such categories as:  Best Deity, Best Disciple, Best Line, Best Crowd Member, Best Hair Stylist, or any category that you think deserves recognition!  There are ballot boxes at the back of the sanctuary for your completed nomination slip.  Any questions?  Please talk to Scott or Joni.
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