Category: News

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Camp Day #4

Posted by on Thursday, July 20th, 2017 in News

Today is Water Day!  
We are all looking forward to getting outside and playing in the water.

You can tell that it is getting later in the week, the early morning activities were a little quieter this morning. But once we sang "O Canada" everyone woke up.

It's going to be another great day.  Wonder what kind of help Annie will need today from our campers.

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Camp Day #3

Posted by on Wednesday, July 19th, 2017 in News

Wow, it is hot today!  But we are having a great morning with camp.
We have an amazing duo of counsellors from Camp Cairn here this week.  
A BIG Shout Out to Tumba and Jekko - you are awesome!

Always a favourite - Gaga Ball, by request!

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Flat Jesus

Posted by on Monday, July 10th, 2017 in News

Flat Jesus in on the move!  

This summer our Sunday School project is to take Flat Jesus with us and see how far he gets.  If you don't have your Flat Jesus drop in to church and pick one up!  This isn't just for Sunday School students, it's for everyone!  When you snap that picture, please send it to me so I can post it.  
Thanks, Joni  ([email protected])

Flat Jesus visiting Grandparents!

Flat Jesus visiting St. Andrew's tent at the Forbes Park Music Festival

Flat Jesus competing in the Soap Box Derby!
Talking with Mr. Pete at the Forbes Park Music Festival.

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St. Andrew’s celebrates Canada 150 (on the day after!)

Posted by on Thursday, June 29th, 2017 in News

Sunday, July 2 is, of course, the day after Canada celebrates a big birthday this year. It will be a very special morning for a number of reasons:

  • Let's just start with the bulletin. Can we just say that it will be a little bit special? There are flags for everyone and lots of the pins (but probably not enough for all so that it first-come, first serve.

    • There will be some amazing music that has been specially prepared for the day
      • Jean McMurtrie will sing a beautiful piece called, "Where the Spirit of the Lord is."
      • Singer-Songwriter, Gabrielle McAndless will debut her new offering, "Rest and Repose."
      • Violinist Zoé McAndless will be playing, "Liebesleid" by Fritz Kreisler.
      Gabrielle McAndless
    • The Minister, Scott McAndless will continue his special "Canada 150" sermon series by looking at Canada's motto, "A Mari Usque ad Mare." Here is a short introductory video for the message:

    So please plan to join us on July 2 as we celebrate and pray for our beloved country. It is also a great time to invite your friends and family to join you.
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    Fathers, Fathers of Confederation and more on June 18

    Posted by on Thursday, June 15th, 2017 in News

    Sunday June 18, 2017 is Fathers' Day and we will be celebrating that (and praying for fathers everywhere) at St. Andrew's. But Father's day also falls in the midst of our series celebrating Canada 150 this year. Hope you can join us for:
    • Some very special music by our own Madison Lightfoot.
    • Reflections on the following passage and what it says to us about our country and its origins:
    Galatians 5:13-1413 For you were called to freedom, brothers and sisters; only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for self-indulgence, but through love become slaves to one another. 14 For the whole law is summed up in a single commandment, “You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” 15 If, however, you bite and devour one another, take care that you are not consumed by one another.
    • The sermon was inspired by the above scripture and a rather odd occurrence at the first meeting of the Fathers of Confederation in Charlottetown. It is entitled "Canada 150: Call to a Nation from a Rowboat."

    Here is a little promotional video for the sermon and the Canada 150 story:

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