FundScrip is an organization which procures gift cards on our behalf for everyday purchases. Cards are available for grocery stores, gas stations and restaurants and more. Every time you purchase these cards through St. Andrew’s Hespeler, Fundscrip will pay a certain percentage of the value of your cards back to the church—anywhere from 2 to 10%. Best of all, this money comes to the church at no cost to you at all.
Now, we’re sure that you can see what a good idea it would be to order gift cards through FundScrip when you want to send some friends or loved ones a special gift. And that is certainly a good way to use this program.
But the real benefits of FundScrip will come to the congregation when people start buying and using these cards for their everyday purchases. Just think, every time you buy that cup of coffee, fill up the car or the grocery cart, you could be supporting your church!
So grab an order form at the back of the sanctuary, in the church office or from Patrice Wappler or Laura Einwechter during the coffee hour. Each month, there will also be a sheet with specials—cards that offer a high rate of return to the church.
We’ve all got to buy things. Why not support God’s work in and through your congregation next time you are shopping?
Click on the link on the home page “FundScrip Order Form”, print it off, fill it out and bring it to church with you.
Call Patrice Wappler or Laura Einwechter with any questions. Thank you to our regular supporters! Or call the church to be put in contact with Laura.