
Being the church together means that we take care of one another and that we reach out in practical ways into our community and into a larger world. This is what we call the ministry of the church and it is something that belongs to all of the people of the church (not just the ordained Minister of Word and Sacrament).

You are certainly invited to be a part of this vital work. But please note that we are not just looking for volunteers to fit certain slots in the organization. We are looking for people who will join us as we work together to share Christ’s love in practical ways. You won’t just be another volunteer; you will be a part of a mutually supportive team.These are some of the key areas where we are always looking for team members:

  • Lunch on Queen (lunch on the 2nd Thursday of the month)
  • Cambridge Food Bank (available on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month)
  • Hope Clothing, open on Tuesdays and Thursdays and the 1st Saturday of the month
  • Short term projects and missions

Please contact Joni (jsmith@standrewshespeler.ca) us if you are looking for ways to be involved.

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