News Blog

Silent Auction at the Spaghetti Dinner!

Posted by on Wednesday, January 31st, 2018 in News

At this Saturday's Spaghetti Dinner there will also be a Silent Auction.
If you aren't able to attend the dinner, but like any of the items up for auction please feel free to ask us to bid for you!
All proceeds will be directed to PWS&D's work in Malawi.

Here are pictures (admittedly not the best quality) of only 3 of the items.  There are also, hand made greeting cards, hand knit items, a gift bag from Ferrero Canada (yum - chocolate), dinner for two at The Stables, a manicure at Tips & Toes, a shampoo & cut at Continental Hairstyling, a special "Hespeler" package and more.

The dinner is at 6:00 pm, but feel free to come a bit early to view the auction items and put your bid down.

Chainsaw carving from the Muskokan Beaver

A print from Debbie Ellis Watercolours

Handmade quilt (64 X 70), by Joanne Stewart, minimum bid of $450.00

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Doubt & Faith

Posted by on Sunday, January 28th, 2018 in Minister

Hespeler, 28 January, 2018 © Scott McAndless
Luke 17:5-6, James 2:14-26, Psalm 26:1-12
hen I spoke to him about his role in the church, asking if he might like to increase his participation in some way, he became very quiet – uncharacteristically quiet – and his face visibly dropped. “I don’t think so,” he said in a small voice “I’m not a very good Christian.”
      Not a good Christian? How could he possibly think something like that? He was about the kindest and most thoughtful man I had met in many years. He was a committed father and husband who always tried to do his very best for his family. He was generous, sometimes t o a fault. Most of all he was thoughtful and engaging when it came to questions about God, the world and his place in it. I loved to discuss with him as he sometimes pushed against my thoughts in provocative ways.
      But there, it seems, was the nub of the problem. He explained that, while he did love talking about Jesus and enjoyed thinking about various stories and passages in the Bible, he wasn’t entirely sure if he believed all of that stuff. “Oh, I love the stories about the virgin birth, the time when Jesus was walking on the water, the whole transfiguration show, I just can’t be sure that it all really happened like that. How can I be a good Christian if I have doubts?”
      That is a conversation that I must have had dozens of times, in various forms, in my career. I have been told by people of every shape, size, age and gender that they cannot be good Christians because they have doubts. Of course, I have also had at least as many with people who come at me from completely the opposite end of the spectrum, who have proudly told me that they have never entertained any doubts whatsoever – that they read something in the Bible or hear a good sermon and just believe it all without question or hesitation.
      I don’t personally have a problem with either type of person. They are both beloved of the Lord. But that is not how it is generally seen in the church. Somehow we tend to see the Christian who never has any questions or struggles with any doubts as the stronger, better and more mature one, while the one who admits some doubts is seen as weak at best and sometimes accused of not being a Christian at all.
      That’s right, even if someone is absolutely arro­gant about what they believe – even if they use their beliefs to mock or abuse people that they don’t like for some reason – that is to say if they show anything but the fruits of the spirit, anything but “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control” – they are seen to be excellent Christians because they are so certain about what they believe. Somebody else, who may have all of the fruit, can be looked down upon because they lack certainty.
      But I guess we can’t do much about that, can we? We are taught that the one thing that is most essential to Christianity is faith. We are told over and over again in the scriptures and in the teachings of the church that is it not about what you do, certainly not about your religious practices, it is about faith. And faith is all about being certain, isn’t it, I mean especially about being certain of impossible or unlikely things?
      That’s what I always thought that Jesus meant when he said, “If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you.” I remember when I was younger I would read that passage and I would go out and find a mulberry tree somewhere. Well, actually not a mulberry tree because I honestly don’t know what they look like or even if they grow anywhere around here. But I would find something – a blade of grass, a bit of fluff, a small stick and I would stare at it because I thought that Jesus had said that I just had to believe that I could do it – that if I could just screw my brain up into the right attitude without even the slightest trace of doubt anywhere inside me – it would move.
      It never did – not even a millimeter – but that didn’t really matter, didn’t negate what Jesus had said, because surely all it meant was that I must have doubted just a little, that it was my fault that the mulberry tree didn’t move.
      I didn’t question it then, but I have since wondered whether I might just have misunderstood what Jesus was really saying there. Was Jesus really saying that faith was about being completely certain and banishing all doubt? And was he really suggesting that the thing that I needed to have faith in was my ability to make the mulberry tree move? I have since begun to think that maybe I did misunderstand Jesus’ meaning.
      The first thing I note is that the image that Jesus uses to talk about faith is kind of interesting. He says you need faith “the size of a mustard seed.” He goes out of his way to find an image of something that is really small – kind of ridiculously small. In fact, in another parable, Jesus even called the mustard seed the smallest of all seeds on the face of the earth (though that is, of course, a bit of an exaggeration). That tells me that, whatever Jesus meant by what he was saying, he didn’t mean that you had to have a large amount of faith to move mulberry trees. On the contrary, maybe he was even saying that the less you had the better.
      How could that be? It seemed to go against everything I thought I knew about faith. How could Jesus possibly be giving encouragement to people who had little faith? And how could such a small quantity of faith (potentially all mixed in with doubt) possibly make the mulberry tree move? It didn’t make sense. But perhaps faith didn’t mean what I always had thought that it meant.
      I credit the passage we read from the Letter of James this morning with helping me to better understand what Jesus may have meant. In this letter, the author goes on at length on the subject of faith and he doesn’t seem to be overly impressed by the faith that he has observed in some people – particularly with those who profess to believe important things but it doesn’t really show up in their actions. But someone will say,” James complains “‘You have faith and I have works.’ Show me your faith apart from your works, and I by my works will show you my faith.” What he is saying here is that he is not overly impressed by what people believe, especially when they don’t do anything with it. In fact, he makes that quite clear when he goes on to say sarcastically, “You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe – and shudder.”
      I don’t think that he could really put it clearer. You can believe all kinds of true things about God – that God exists, that God is one. You can even believe all kinds of dubious things about God: that God is made of green cheese, that God is a forty-five year-old truck driver. James doesn’t care what you believe about God. James cares what you do about what you believe and it will be in how you live out your faith that you will show James that you have faith, not by how certain you are about the things that you believe.
      When I put together the words of James with the illustration of Jesus it becomes clear to me that I had misunderstood the nature of faith. Faith really has nothing to do with how certain you are about what you believe and thus about the size of your belief. Faith can be small – as small as a mustard seed – because it is not about how much of it you have.
      The catechism defines the true nature of faith as it is understood in the New Testament quite well: “Belief or faith is a wholehearted trust in God.” It is about trust, not just about believing a bunch of things about God or being certain about those things. It is the same kind of trust that you might put in another person – someone that you felt that you could have confidence in because you knew that they would never let you down.
      Because it is defined as trust, we realize that the object of faith matters a great deal more than the quantity of faith. You have to put your trust in someone or something that is reliable. Say, for example, you need to take a flight to go somewhere. When you get on the plane you are placing your trust in the airplane, in the mechanics who maintain it and the pilot who flies it. If that trust is well placed – if the plane is well-built, well-maintained and well flown – how much faith do you need to have for it to get you to your destination? Not much. All you need is enough faith to get yourself on the plane because, if you have zero trust, I tell you that nothing is going to get you on that plane. But if you have enough to get on the plane (you know, small like a grain of mustard) and even if you are trembling with fear and full of doubts, your fear and your doubts won’t affect the flight of that plane, will they? That’s all up to the plane, the mechanics and the pilot. Your part in flying someplace (apart from paying for your ticket) is to chose wisely in which airline you are going to put however much or however little faith you have.
      But let ask you this: who is more likely to choose wisely when selecting an airline – those who just decide to be certain that the first one they see will be fine, or those who have enough doubts and questions that they are willing to do some research and ask some questions first? Yes, the latter group may take longer to decide and they may never get all of their questions answered or all their doubts calmed, but whose advise would you really rather take?
      That’s why I think it is time to lay aside this notion that the elites of the Christian faith are those who are always certain about what they believe and don’t have doubts or questions. It is certainly time to put aside the notion that those who do doubt are inferior in their faith. It doesn’t matter how much you believe, it matters who you trust. And that trust can be mixed with as much or as little doubt as is appropriate to you.
      Are you someone who has naturally gravitated to the Christian faith – who always just knew that it was true? Have you heard the stories of the Bible that seem impossible and your reaction has always just been, “Wow, that’s amazing! Just think that it happened just like that!”? I have known many Christians just like that and, you know, I have known them to be wonderful people. There is a beauty and purity to their worship and praise and I know that God loves them.
      Are you someone who, on the other hand, continually struggles with questions and doubts? Do you hear some of the fantastical stories of the Bible and your first reaction is to say, “I don’t know how that could have been”? Well if you can learn to trust Jesus even if you have doubts and even if your questions might never be completely answered, you are no less of a Christian and no less beloved of God than those in that first group. In fact, you are probably a fascinating person to discuss God with and I somehow think that God really likes that about you.
      Both sorts exist; both sorts are beloved of God and, most of all, both sorts are needed as well as every sort of person in between. That is because it doesn’t matter how much you believe or how little you doubt. It matters who you trust. That’s all that matters even if that trust is mixed with doubts and questions. That’s what Jesus was saying. It’s what James was saying too. It’s time we started to accept it. And it is especially time for us to treat every individual’s approach to the faith with respect.


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School of Hard Knox; They never taught me this!

Posted by on Monday, January 22nd, 2018 in Minister

Hespeler, 21 January, 2018 © Scott McAndless
Galatians 1:10, Isaiah 43:16-19, Psalm 91:1-16
ack in October, as you will remember, we held a dream auction here at St. Andrew’s and we asked everyone to consider putting something up for auction – especially something that represented your own talents or hobbies. And so I decided to put up a sermon for auction. I, foolishly thinking that I could write a sermon about anything, said that the highest bidder would be able to order a sermon on the topic or with the title of their choice. I am here to tell you now that the winning bidder was Andy Cann and the day is today – which is my way of saying that, while you can absolutely blame me if you don’t like the content of today’s sermon, if you object to the topic, you can speak to Andy. (By the way, there was also a second place bid and Jean Godin has already named a topic for next month.)
      So this is the title that Andy gave me for today’s sermon: School of Hard Knox; They never taught me this!” Now, when I heard that title, I knew exactly what Andy was asking for, but it might not be quite so obvious to some of you so I’ll explain. The Presbyterian Church in Canada has three colleges in which they prepare people for the Ministry of Word and Sacrament. There is one in Vancouver called the Vancouver School of Theology, one in Montreal called Presbyterian College and one in Toronto called Knox College. But Knox College in Toronto is the largest and the best known of the three so by asking about the school of “Hard Knox,” Andy was asking me to comment on how well or how poorly I feel the education I received prepared me for the reality of working as a minister that I have faced.
      It is a very good question, one that many people have been asking in recent years as we have seen the problems being faced by our clergy – problems that make people wonder if they have been adequately prepared. We are in a situation today, for example, where we are seeing high proportions of those who enter into the ministry drop out of it within a few years. Those who stay, often suffer from burnout, depression and other problems. It is well worth asking whether the preparation that they were given has let those clergy down.
      Also we have the issue of the pressure that the church in general is under – especially when we see a general decline in church attendance and membership across the board – even if there are some notable exceptions in particular churches. We surely cannot blame all of that exclusively on the clergy, but it doesn’t seem out of line to ask how the failures in educating clergy might have contributed to that.
      So I do welcome the opportunity to reflect on the education that I received, how it helps me and how it may have failed me. I will raise just one quibble with Andy’s title however. I didn’t go to Knox College. I studied at Presbyterian College in Montreal. But I get that “School of Hard Presbyterian College” really wouldn’t have worked, so we will just go with Andy’s title.
      I did learn many things in my studies that I valued and continue to value. I appreciate the fact that I wasn’t just trained to be a minister; I was educated. I wasn’t just told what to do or say in various situations or how to carry out ministerial tasks. I was given the tools I needed to think for myself. Rather than being told what a certain Bible passage meant, for example, I was challenged to discover the meaning for myself. I believe that this was the only way to do it.
      People often suggest today that our ministers should be trained for particular tasks – how to plant a church, how to run a project, fund raise for particular goals or whatever it might be. But I really feel that such training would have been almost useless to me in the long run. After all, the methods I would have been taught back then, 28 years ago, would not have included using the internet, social media, PowerPoint projection and all kinds of other technologies that didn’t exist or were priced out of reach for churches back then. The world in which we live has changed at a breakneck pace over the last quarter century that I have been a minister and the role of a minister has changed along with it far more than we realize. I have gone from using the mail and telephone to initiate most contacts to email and am now in a post-email social-media contact mode for most of the time. That is but one key way in which things have changed.
      So, it was much better to give me the ability to think out how I would make use of any tools that became available and any changes in culture that arose than it was to simply tell me what to think, say and do. I hope that we never forget that the task in preparing a minister is to educate her or him, not merely to train.
      So I do feel that I left school with a good basis that would help me to learn how to approach the Bible, think through various theological questions, preach and teach. But Andy’s question is about what I didn’t learn so let me turn to that question.
      When the Apostle Paul speaks to the church in Galatia – a church that he founded and to which he gave extraordinary leadership – he says a few words that always convict me when I think about my ministry over the last quarter century? “Am I now seeking human approval, or God’s approval? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still pleasing people, I would not be a servant of Christ.”
      Seeking human approval – trying to please people – is natural. It is something that we all do. And you know why we all do it: because we all want people to like us. We always feel better and safer when we are part of the group and so when we get the sense that people don’t like us we often feel that inner compulsion to do whatever we possibly can to regain that sense of being liked.
      And I, like most people, grew up with that desire to have people like me. And when I began my studies at Presbyterian College and began to work as a student minister (I had, for most of the time that I was studying, a student placement as the effective minister for a small United Church in Laval, Quebec) I would say that I set out with the expectation that all of the people in all of the churches that I served would always like me. How would I accomplish that? Well, I certainly wouldn’t preach things that people might disagree with. That was almost guaranteed to get someone mad at me. I would only choose music that everyone always loved (good luck with that by the way), I wouldn’t mess with any longstanding traditions and wouldn’t rock the boat by suggesting things that someone (even just one person) might have a problem with. Oh, I had all kinds of subconscious strategies that I thought would guarantee that everyone would like me.
      But the Apostle Paul seems to make it very clear that pleasing people is not the goal of Christian ministry and that seeking human approval often comes at the expense of seeking God’s approval. This natural tendency that I had to want to please people looked likely to be a problem.
      Now what is Paul really trying to say here? Is he saying that a good minister should intentionally set out to antagonize the people in her or his congregation? Is he saying that I should make the church a place where people are never happy and nothing ever happens that they like? Clearly not!
      But anyone who has put some time into ministry knows exactly what Paul is trying to get at here. You can preach things that people like to hear, of course, but if you are never dare to say anything that someone might disagree with, there will definitely be times when you are not preaching the word of God and that is your job as a minister.
      But it’s not just about preaching; it is even more about leadership. If you try anything new in a church the simple reality is that somebody (at least one) won’t like it because change makes people uncomfortable. So, if you are people pleasing, you will always pull back from doing that new thing even if it is the right thing to do, even if it is what God is calling you to do and even if, ultimately it will prove to be something so good that everyone feels a deep sense of satisfaction that they are doing a worthwhile thing. That’s right, you can be so focussed on pleasing people that you pull back from doing the very thing that would make them feel the most pleased. That is messed up! But I know that ministers do exactly that all the time.
      So I think that Paul has a point here. Leaders in the church who are primarily motived to please people and draw their sense of worth from doing so, will not be the kinds of leaders that they need to be. And I must confess that many of us church leaders are still stuck in the people-pleasing zone and our education did not necessarily help us to break out of it. That is one good reason why burnout, dropout and things like depression hits the clergy so hard. It is simply impossible to please all of the people all of the time in ministry – perhaps more impossible than in many other professions because we are dealing with things that people take very seriously – and if you base your self-image and worth on how people see you, your self-image will take a hit.
      Even more important, we need to remember that the church itself doesn’t exist in order to please people. Yes, we certainly hope that people will enjoy much of what they experience in the church and, even more important, that they find a deep sense of satisfaction as they fulfill what they were called to be by knowing, serving and loving God and others. But that happiness is not the purpose of the church, it is a secondary effect of the church’s fulfilment of its mission. We are not here to please, we are here to serve, to love and to live out the word of God. If we spend all of our energy on pleasing people and keeping them happy, we will never get around to our true mission.
      But the problem is that it is so hard to let go of that people-pleasing impulse. It is part of one of our deepest drives – that desire to be loved and accepted. The antidote, I feel sure that Paul would say, is to find our sense of self-worth in God rather than in people. Am I now seeking human approval, or God’s approval? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still pleasing people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” But how do you do that? The approval of people seems so real and tangible (even though it is, in fact, quite fickle and changeable) while the approval of God seems less real.
      What you need to do, of course, is to cultivate a correct view of God and particularly a correct understanding of God’s opinion of you. Meditate on passages like the one we read from the Psalms this morning: “You who live in the shelter of the Most High, who abide in the shadow of the Almighty, will say to the Lord, ‘My refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust.’” When you let go of the notion that God is just out to get you – dead set on punishing you for all your wrongs – and accept that God really is on your side and delights in all that you are, you can begin to be less reliant on the approval and the pleasing of other people to tell you who you are.
      But it is a long journey. I would say that, in many ways I have spent the last 25 years since I was ordained, learning how to please God before I please people and I am hardly done. If I had learned more in my Presbyterian College days about all the ways in which I seek to please people and how I deal with it (wrongly) when I fail to please others, maybe I could have accelerated my advancement; I don’t know.
      Ironically, I suppose, I would have to say in response to Andy’s question, the things that I failed to learn at school that matter most are not the external things – theologies, scriptural interpretation, philosophy and so on. The things that I failed to learn that matter most were the things about myself – how I am motivated, what are my triggers and fears. To know yourself and what drives you is the beginning of true leadership because it is only then that you can understand what drives others.
      I’m not saying that the college could have laid all of that out for me. But just as they gave me the tools to understand the Bible, theology and preaching that I have been able to build on in years since, maybe they could have given me some tools to understand myself. In any case, I am thankful for all that I have received. Ministry in the church is hard – far harder than I think any of my fellow students realized at the time – but I am very thankful to have been given the privilege of being part of it.

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What I am learning from preaching the Catechism

Posted by on Tuesday, January 16th, 2018 in Minister

In 2004 the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Canada commended a document prepared by the Church Doctrine Committee for use in churches. The document was called "A Catechism for Today," and it was an updated version of a kind of teaching tool, in the format of a series of questions with supplied answers, that has been used in churches since the time of the reformation.

You can download and read the Catechism for yourself by clicking here.

This year at St. Andrew's Hespeler, we were looking for a way to reconnect with some of the basic teachings of Christianity and of our tradition. Unfortunately, we increasingly find ourselves in a world where people, including practising Christians, are not familiar with some of the basic ideas that have been so important to the faith down through the centuries. So we decided that we would make use of "A Catechism for Today." throughout the year. The document is conveniently broken up into 52 readings so we are placing one of those readings each week in the bulletin and I am using them to inspire my sermons as often as possible.

I just thought that it would be a good thing if, from time to time, I would blog about the experience. I am coming to the end of the first month using the document; here are a few things that I am noticing.

  1. It is a good thing to be using something that disciplines me to focus on some of the most basic questions that people really have. People do really wonder about their purpose. They worry about the relationship between faith and science and they wonder about faith and doubt (all topics that I have tackled so far). I have always been driven in my preaching (as I think that I should be!) by what the Scripture text is saying to me and to us. It is important to step away from that, at least sometimes, to directly tackle the real questions that people have. Yes, sometimes the scripture does lead us to do that, but I feel that using the Catechism is going to be a helpful discipline.
  2. One big surprise, however, is to see how hard it is sometimes to draw a line between what the scripture says and what the traditional doctrinal positions of the church have been. The document very helpfully includes a series of scripture passages to support a particular answer that is given and to inspire further thought and discussion based on those scriptures. I must say, however, that I am finding that the connection with the supplied passages is sometimes tenuous and sometimes even contradictory. My favourite example so far is the answer to the first question which states, "We have been made for joy: joy in knowing, loving and serving God, joy in knowing, loving and serving one another, joy in the wonder of all God’s works." A terrific answer, certainly, but not many of the scriptures that follow it really say much about what our purpose is. One of them, Job 22:26, is actually a quote from Eliphas the Temanite, one of the antagonists of Job, whose words, I would say, are ultimately rejected by the book.
  3. All of this has made me begin to wonder to what degree our doctrines are really driven by scripture and to what degree we have decided what we believed and then sought to support them with scripture -- a question that I suspect I will continue to ponder as I continue this experiment.
  4. Just one more observation on the difference between the answers supplied to question 4 and question 10. To the question "Is the pursuit of science incompatible with faith in God?" the catechism answers a clear "No!" That clarity is very much needed; it is something that is important to affirm. But the question, "Does faith exclude all doubt?" does not get the same clear answer. That troubles me because I know many people who feel so very inadequate because of their doubts. I feel a great need to affirm not only that doubt is okay but that it valuable and hardly disqualifies someone from expressing faith. I just wish there had been a clearer answer.

Please understand I am not trying to complain about the document or question it. I do find it to be quite excellent. I just wanted to share some of my thoughts and may continue to do so through the year. 
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Is faith incompatible with science?

Posted by on Sunday, January 14th, 2018 in Minister

Hespeler, 14 January, 2018 © Scott McAndless
Genesis 1:26-2:3, 2 Chronicles 4:2, Hebrews 11:1-3, Psalm 111:1-10
n the third century before the birth of Christ, one of the most brilliant people on the face of the earth was Archimedes of Syracuse. An inventor, mathematician and scientist, he accomplished many great things. He is the guy who is famous for discovering a process for calculating the volume of something that so amazed him that he jumped out of his bath and went running through the city naked shouting “Eureka.” You know, typical genius behaviour.
      One of Archimedes’ greatest contributions to science, however, didn’t really draw a crowd like that. He was the first person to calculate the value of pi to any degree of accuracy. Pi, a s you may recall from your high school days, is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. It is an extremely important number – foundational to many fields of science including geometry and physics. It is also used constantly in design and engineering. And thanks to the efforts of people like Archimedes we know that the value of pi is approximately 3.141592654. Archimedes calculated pi by using the work of a brilliant predecessor named Pythagoras. He employed the Pythagorean Theorem and extensive proofs and calculations to come up with a number for pi.
      But couldn’t Archimedes have saved all of that work and effort? Isn’t there a much easier way to come up with a value for pi? Christians believe, after all, that there is another source of truth apart from science and reason. We believe in revelation and many believe that the Bible is an excellent place to go to find the revelation from God. So if the Bible were to tell us the value of pi, then we wouldn’t need all of those theorems and proofs and calculations would we?
      And here is the thing: the Bible does give us a value for pi. It says in the Second Book of Chronicles that there was a great molten sea in the Temple of Solomon – basically a giant basin made out of bronze – and that it was round. The Bible gives us the dimensions of that round bowl, saying that “it was ten cubits from rim to rim, and five cubits high. A line of thirty cubits would encircle it completely.” So, in other words, the Bible is saying that there was a circle with a diameter of ten units and a circumference of thirty units. Well, if that is true, then all we have to do is divide the circumference by the diameter. Thirty divided by ten is 3. Pi is 3 according to the Bible! So Archimedes didn’t need to do all that work; it had been written in the Book of Chronicles about a hundred years before his time. He could have just agreed with what revelation said and declared that the value of pi to be three.
      There, in the simplest terms possible, is laid out for you the great conflict that still bedevils people to this day: the clash between faith and science. Science tells us that pi is 3.141 and so on; the Bible says that it is three. And I know that there really isn’t anybody who, based on this scripture, has insisted that the number for pi should be 3. But could you imagine what it would be like if people did? There would be faith-based geometry, architecture, engineering and physics. Every calculation made with pi would be off. All circles would look strange. It would probably be a disaster with buildings collapsing and airplanes falling out of the sky.
      And, though people don’t actually argue over faith-based versus science-based values for pi, they do argue over other differences of opinion between faith and science – things like evolution, the age of the earth, for some, even the shape of the earth. So, as people of faith, we really do have to figure out how we are going to sort out what is true and reliable when faith says one thing and science says something very different. So I am going to use a discussion of the value of pi as a way to look at how we approach that entire question.
      The Catechism of the Presbyterian Church in Canada answers the question of whether science and faith are incompatible with a clear no. “We believe that God created a universe with its own order which we can explore by scientific investigation,” it explains. We believe that, because God created the world, not in some haphazard way but in a way that conforms to consistent order, that it is absolutely legitimate to explore that order on its own terms and that we can learn many things about the universe and about its Creator by doing so. I think that is something that we all understand to a certain degree.
      We may believe in miracles, but we definitely do not attribute everyday events like the rising of the sun or the shifting of the wind to supernatural forces. Ancient people might have done so but we are children of the Enlightenment and have recognized that enormous advances have been made in knowledge and technology by making the assumption that the universe will always behave in predictable ways. So we are able to function without feeling as if we have to live in some eternal conflict between faith and science.
      But the Catechism goes on from there to make a point that I think we can easily miss when we ponder this question. “Yet scientific investigation and the Christian faith differ,” it says, “in their goals and approaches.” The mistake we most often make is not to misunderstand the conclusions or proclamations of science or faith but to fail to see that they are seeking to do very different things for different reasons in different ways. When Archimedes calculates the value of pi, his goals and methods require a certain rigour and accuracy, especially when that number will be used to further scientific understanding in various ways. When the author of Chronicles gives the dimensions of a round basin, both his goals and method are quite different and the accuracy of the numbers don’t matter in the same way for that reason. He is trying to say important things about the glory of God and the ways in which, he believed, the Ancient Israelites rightly worshipped God.
      So actually to use the number of pi you get from 2 Chronicles in calculations or engineering would be to misuse that passage because you have failed to understand its purpose. Again, I realize that people don’t actually make that error when it comes to the value of pi, but some do make it, for example, when they use other passages to calculate things like the age of the earth or to explain the origins of human life on this planet.
      The Letter to the Hebrews declares that “faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” That immediately sets faith apart from science. Science is entirely based on what is seen. The only way you can do it is by gathering observations, measuring and calculating results. And there is no question that science and its advances and understandings have been astounding. We have all benefitted and continue to benefit every day from all of what science has given us.
      It doesn’t mean that science is always right. In fact, the very fact that science is based on what can be seen means that it must continually remain open to the possibility that new observations, new experiments and new ways of interpreting data will mean that science will have to change its mind. This is not an indication of the weakness of science but rather one of its greatest strengths.
      Nevertheless, when scientists come together in peer-reviewed papers to a strong consensus on some understandings – as they have on such matters as evolution, the age of the universe, climate change and a host of other things – I believe that it is foolishness to disregard those conclusions. What’s more, to do so is not to abandon faith.
      Faith, as the Letter of Hebrews makes clear, has a very different basis than science because it is based on what is not seen. It is not established through observation or experimentation. This may limit the usefulness of faith when seeking to understand the observed universe (you don’t need much faith to calculate the value of pi for example) but that is not where the strength or purpose of faith lies. Faith is particularly useful in understanding and valuing what cannot be seen and that includes not only God but also such essential things as justice, beauty, love and peace.
      This is something, however, that we often fail to appreciate. Because we are thoroughly modern people, our view of the world has been largely shaped by scientific assumptions. We assume, for example, that the only things that are true are those things that are factual – that can be verified by observation. That is the modern bias towards reality – that facts are the only things that are true. There is a big problem with this because facts are only one kind of truth and an exclusive focus on facts can often hide deeper truths. Nevertheless, we all have bought into this assumption to a certain degree.
      For this reason, some people will reject all faith and the Bible too. They will look at the truths that the Bible proclaims and declare that, since those truths cannot be verified in some demonstrable way, that they must therefore be lies, falsehoods and fictions. This is one response to faith that has become common in the world today because of the modern scientific assumption about truth.
      But there is another response to the challenge of modern thinking and this idea that only what is factual is true that has become common over the last century or so. There have been many who have sought to defend faith and the Bible by insisting that everything that the Bible says is true and (since for them whatever is true must be factual) everything that the Bible says must be factual. Therefore, for example, if the Bible says that the world was created a little over 6000 years ago by God in six twenty-four hour long days of creative work, they will feel that they must defend this as objective fact. What’s more, they will put themselves in a position where, if they just admit that it might not all be completely factual, the very foundation of their faith will be shattered.
      This is the approach to Christian faith that is called fundamentalism. It is, to be clear, a thoroughly modern approach to faith – an approach invented a little over a century ago in response to the growing success of scientific enquiry because it was seen as a threat to faith. But the problem with this approach is that it buys into a flawed modern assumption: that facts are the only truths that matter. It basically acknowledges that science is the only source of truth.
      That is why it is important for us to remember the message that is there in the letter of the Hebrews and that is laid out in the Catechism: “Yet scientific investigation and the Christian faith differ in their goals and approaches. While science proceeds by theorizing about and testing the universe, the Christian faith is primarily concerned with knowing God who exists above and beyond the creation.” Recognizing the different goals and approaches of science and faith means that one of these sources of truth does not have to be elevated over the other one. We can acknowledge them both as valid.
      The good news is that faith and science do not need to sort that out through violence and anger. They are allies together in the great quest to find all truth. I absolutely agree with the catechism that there need be no conflict between faith and science. We actually need both and are all stronger when we are able to use the strengths of both. The Christian faith must value all efforts to understand the universe that God has made because we are guided in all things by the conviction that all truth comes from God. 
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Made for joy in knowing God

Posted by on Sunday, January 7th, 2018 in Minister

Hespeler, 7 January, 2018 © Scott McAndless
John 16:20-22, Philippians 4:4-9, Psalm 40:1-9, 15-17
id you know the oldest dog whose age was ever reliably recorded was an Australian Cattle Dog named “Bluey.” Bluey lived to the almost unthinkable age, for a dog of 29 years and five months. But here is the really surprising part. You might think that the reason why Bluey lived so long was because she was pampered and well cared-for, that she got nothing but the best of foods and medical treatment. But that is not true. She was, by all accounts a well-loved and fairly treated dog, but she hardly had an easy life. She spent 20 straight years of her long life working at an extremely difficult and physically demanding job, herding cattle.
      Bluey was an exceptional animal, of course, but in some ways, it is not that surprising that a hard-working dog should be the longest living. I believe that if you made an extensive search through the statistics concerning dogs, you would find that it was consistently the hardest working dogs who have the longest lifespans and, what’s more, that such dogs were generally happier and better adjusted than the average. This includes several canine professions, at least when those professions keep them in regular contact with other animals or human beings (because dogs are extremely social animals). Obviously, this would exclude dogs that perform very dangerous jobs such as those who work in war zones.
      Why should this be? Well, one thing that we should always remember is that dogs are not natural animals. They are the descendants of wolves but, in every case, they have been selected and designed by human breeders through a long process over many generations to perform very particular tasks. Some were designed to hunt various animals in various situations, others to herd sheep or cattle or even birds, some to retrieve, some as guard dogs. They were designed, in other words, to achieve a certain purpose. And, generally speaking, when they are able to fulfill that purpose, they are content, well-adjusted and tend to be healthier. But if a dog is put into a position of doing some work it wasn’t designed to do or is deprived from meaningful work, it is less likely to be so.
      Now I realize that it is not quite as simple as what I am saying here, that human breeding is far from perfect and that some breeds of dogs have flaws in their genetics that cause certain problems that plague that breed. I also know that, overall, dogs are such social animals that the best indication of a dog’s wellbeing is that it is loved. But I would still stand by my main point, that dogs do extremely well when they get to do the kind of work that they were bred for.
      And I would invite you to remember this truth about dogs when you consider our first reading from A Catechism for Today this morning. The Catechism is a teaching tool that is set up in the format of questions and answers. Now this format has sometimes led to a profound misunderstanding of how Christians are supposed to live out their faith. It seems to imply that there are only certain questions that are allowed to be asked and that the supplied answers are the only acceptable answers. But that is not correct. You should rather understand that these are questions that the church has discovered through long practice to be particularly meaningful. The answers are answers that the church has found to be helpful, but they are hardly final and complete answers. They are rather answers that can form a starting point to further discussion.
      The very first question in the Catechism is, “What is God’s purpose for our lives?” It is a very good place to start. It is the question that just about everyone struggles with in some form. “Why am I here?” “What is the meaning of life?” and that basic existential angst – that basic “Why?” that sometimes cries out within us and that we can’t quite put into words are all forms of the same question.
      But the way the catechism asks the question is significant because we usually ask the question relative to our own selves – “Why am I here?” “What is my purpose?” But the catechism assumes that there is something better to base that sense of purpose on than yourself. It assumes that the God who created you has a better sense of what your purpose might be than you do. It is an assumption, to tell the truth, that is at odds with everything that people usually bring to that whole discussion about purpose in life and it means that the answer to the question will also be at odds with many of the answers that this world usually comes up with.
      The short and simple answer is this: “We have been made for joy.” It is an answer that is probably a surprise to many people who have long assumed that they know what the Christian faith is about. I’m not sure that there are that many people (maybe not even too many Christians) for whom the first word they think of when they think of Christians is joy. In fact, we kind of have a bit of a reputation, in some circles, for being dour, serious, even kind of negative and judgemental. Some people seem to derive a sense of being right out of their faith, maybe even a sense of being better than others, but how many get into Christianity because they expect to find joy?
      What’s more, if you asked most people where they would go to find joy, you might get a variety of answers – to an amusement park, to a favourite restaurant, maybe to a club – but I somehow suspect that “to church” would not be a top answer among many. So why would Christians see joy as something essential to our purpose as human beings?
      Well, part of the answer is that the kind of joy we are talking about here is not the kind of joy you usually find in an amusement park, a restaurant or a club. Oh, there is no denying that it can be quite enjoyable to go to such places or to just do whatever gives you pleasure. And there isn’t anything wrong with that. (We all need to just have fun from time to time.) But the joy that is found in such things is not really what we are talking about here.
      This is a joy that is related to your purpose – specifically what your Maker designed you to be and do. It is similar to what I was talking about with working dogs. Of course there are many things that dogs seem to enjoy – cookies and treats, a good bone, curling up in front of the fireplace – but there is also deep satisfaction that a dog seems to find in doing the kind of work that it was bred to do. If that is true when you talk about the imperfect science of human breeding of dogs, how much more would it be true when we talk about a Creator who knew exactly what he was doing when he designed you to carry out certain purposes in your life?
      And what are those purposes? The catechism elaborates them like this: “We have been made for joy: joy in knowing, loving and serving God, joy in knowing, loving and serving one another, joy in the wonder of all God’s works.” The purpose is defined in terms of knowing, loving and serving and in terms of taking wonder. That is what we are here for and the promise is that we will find abiding joy as we do these things.
      The biggest question that arises when we are told that we have been made for joy is why is it that so many people do not experience that joy. What is it that gets in the way of us fulfilling that purpose? One of the biggest problems is that it is easy to get sidetracked from these basic purposes that we have been given.
      When people do that – when they forget that they were supposed to find their joy in knowing, loving, serving and taking wonder – that drive to find a sense of purpose doesn’t disappear. It instead gets diverted into other things like the pursuit of wealth or possessions, the pursuit of power or the pursuit of particular experiences. The reason why people pursue such things in our world today so ruthlessly is because they are standing in for the drive towards a true sense of purpose that God has built into us. The reason that these things do not entirely satisfy on their own and the joy that they produce proves fleeting is because they are not the ultimate purposes that we were designed to pursue.
      Knowing that you were made for joy and that you can find that joy in the pursuit of knowing, loving and serving God and others and in finding wonder in creation is a transformative thing to know. Over time it can indeed help you to learn to find your joy in fulfilling your true purpose. But there are things that you can do to help that process along. In his letter to the Philippians, Paul instructs us by saying, Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.” He is saying that joy isn’t just something that happens but that it is something that you can choose to do. It is up to you to decide in what you will take your joy and the first thing you can choose to do is to delight in the Lord.
      We do that, Paul goes on to explain by training our thoughts in certain directions. “Finally, beloved,” he says, “whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” It is so easy to fill your thoughts with unworthy things and, when you do, you forget what your true purpose is.
      When you think about whatever is true, you are remembering the truth that you are created by God and that your God knows better than you what your purpose is.
      When you think on what is honourable you remember the nobility of service to others and that, even when it is difficult, it fills a big hole inside you with the sense that you matter.
      When you think of what is just, you remind yourself that there are some causes worth standing up for – worth putting yourself on the line for and it is a blessing to be able to stand up for what you know is right.
      When you think on what is pleasing, you take pleasure in whatever might come your way, knowing that it is a gift from your maker.
      When you think of what is commendable, you learn to see yourself as your Maker sees you for he knows your worth and your motivations and is happy to celebrate these things in you.
      When you think of what is excellent and what is worthy of praise, your heart will eventually be drawn to the God who created you, who made the world in such beauty and filled it with such wonder.
      You were made for joy. That is indeed the first thing you ought to know about yourself. I pray that you find that joy and that you find it in ways that endure and satisfy over the long term. I promise you that such joy will come as you grow in knowledge, love and service and in wonder.


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Posted by on Sunday, December 31st, 2017 in Minister

Hespeler, 31 December, 2017 © Scott McAndless
Matthew 2:1-18, Isaiah 2:11-17, Isaiah 60:1-6
e are used to hearing the Christmas story from certain viewpoints. We see it through Mary’s eyes or Joseph’s or maybe the shepherds. These are all valid ways to hear the story of the birth of the Messiah, of course, but sometimes it is not a bad idea to give a little bit of space to hear a dissenting voice. Not everyone was entirely happy with what happened that first Christmas. Why should the perspective of those people not be heard?
      For example, what if I were to tell you that archeologists working in the Holy Land recently made a stunning discovery at the ancient site of the Herodium, a massive complex built by Herod the Great about five kilometres outside of Bethlehem as a luxurious palace and also, it is believed, to be his burial place. And let’s just say that somewhere in the depths of the ruins of the Herodium these archeologists found a huge cache of documents recorde d on small cuneiform tablets. They are very short documents, most of them less than 140 characters long, but they are important because they record the very inmost thoughts of a powerful king.
      Now, is that true? Has it actually happened? Well, no. But just imagine if it did. Wouldn’t that be something! It would be like we were able to look directly into the head of one of the most hated and despised kings who ever ruled over the people of Judea. I mean it would almost be as if King Herod the Great had been able to use Twitter to share his take on the meaning of the entire Christmas story.
      So let us review the (admittedly imaginary) tweets of a king from over two millennia ago. What might we discover? They might give us a great deal of insight into the character of the man. Take this tweet for example:

I am the Greatest King who ever ruled over the Kingdom of Israel (with the possible exception of David). My hope is to use this twitter feed to Make Herod Great Again #MakeHerodGreatAgain.
— Make Herod Great Again (@MakeHerodGreat) December 30, 2017

      Now there is a great indication of what is going on in Herod’s psyche. There were many things that did make Herod great, of course. He was a powerful Roman client king, he accomplished a great deal throughout his reign, but there seems to be a deep underlying insecurity in the man. He seems to be constantly trying to convince everybody about just how great he is. One of the ways in which we see this is in his building projects. Here is a series of tweets in which he simply lists his building projects.

Here is a list of the building projects I carried out. I build great things. That's why they call me great!!
Herod's Palace in Jerusalem
Herod's Temple
Antonia Fortress
Royal Stoa (Jerusalem)
Roman public facilities, Jerusalem (1st century BC)
— Make Herod Great Again (@MakeHerodGreat) December 18, 2017

Theater, amphitheater, hippodrome
Renovation of the Pool of Siloam
Jerusalem water channel
Jerusalem pilgrim road
The Royal Complex at Herodium (Last quarter, 1st century BC)
The Palace-fortress
The Lower Herodium complex
Herod's Tomb
The palace-fortress at Masada (37-15 BC)
— Make Herod Great Again (@MakeHerodGreat) December 18, 2017

Machaerus, Hasmonean fortress rebuilt
Cypros Palace near Jericho
Alexandrium, a Hasmonean palace which I rebuilt lavishly.
Caesarea Maritima with its palace and harboir (25–13 BC)
Cave of the Patriarchs
— Make Herod Great Again (@MakeHerodGreat) December 18, 2017

Sebaste, now Sebastia at Nablus, which I restored and expanded
Three Winter Palaces, Jericho (starting 36 BC)
Three temples dedicated to Augustus (at Sebaste, Caesarea, and Panias)
— Make Herod Great Again (@MakeHerodGreat) December 18, 2017
      But it is not just the volume of projects. Everything that he built seems to have been calculated to impress. If you tour his ancient buildings, the first thing that you will notice is the massive size of the individual stones. They kind of make you wonder what Herod was trying to say with such a construction method, as he almost seems to acknowledge in this tweet:

I always built everything bigly with massive stones. I know that some people suggest that I was overcompensating for something -- that if the stones were so big, something else must have been small. Believe me, there is no problem in that department. No problem at all!
— Make Herod Great Again (@MakeHerodGreat) December 18, 2017

      But, whatever the massive blocks meant, there is no question that everything he built was intended to impress and overawe. Here is what he tweets about his biggest project, the temple in Jerusalem.

Here was my original plan for the temple in Jerusalem but a bunch of losers said that people would be offended if I put HEROD up in gold letters. SAD!
— Make Herod Great Again (@MakeHerodGreat) December 29, 2017
       He couldn’t put his name up on that building in big gold letters, but he did the next best thing with another project:
People don't know this but I also built this place. Basically I chopped off the top of a mountain to build a massive palace. I did brand this one, there were no giant gold letters but I made sure that everyone called it the Herodium.
— Make Herod Great Again (@MakeHerodGreat) December 19, 2017

      So there really is no question that Herod’s ego was huge, but it seemed to hide an underlying insecurity. He was not, in too many people’s eyes, the real King of the Jews. This was partly because he wasn’t even Jewish. He was an Idumean. This alone meant that he would never be accepted by the people that he ruled and how that must have irritated him! I’m sure he even would have gladly denied his foreign origins as we see in this tweet:
The #fakemedia gospels would have you believe that I am not a real Jewish king, that I am Idumean. I want to set the record straight since they are here. That is #FakeNews. One of my lawyers is a Jew. I have many Jewish friends and even Rabbis that I fellowship with. #MHGA !
— Make Herod Great Again (@MakeHerodGreat) December 16, 2017
      One of the things that Herod tried to do to shore up that claim to the throne was to marry into the previous Jewish kingly dynasty. His second wife was named Mariamne and she belonged to the Hasmonean family that had ruled Judea before the Romans came along. She was a beautiful princess, well beloved by all the people and Herod probably hoped that some of her popularity would rub off on him. Here he tweets about her to the kingdom:
This is Mariamne, our great and very hard working First Lady, and my second wife. She truly loves what she is doing, always thought that “if you run, you will be king.”
— Make Herod Great Again (@MakeHerodGreat) December 23, 2017

      But the marriage with Mariamne didn’t work out very well. He ended up in a situation where people saw his wife and the children he had with her as having a better claim to the throne than he did. Herod’s jealousy and anger flew into high gear and eventually he had both his sons and later his wife put to death for plotting against him. As you can imagine, this hardly endeared him to the people so the whole second marriage plan really backfired. But, of course, it is not as if he didn’t try to explain it all away:

I had to put Mariamne (and her sons) to death. I hated to do it but (after I threated her life several times) she was extremely #disloyal to me. SAD! Herod cannot tolerate disloyalty. #MHGA
— Make Herod Great Again (@MakeHerodGreat) December 23, 2017

      The other thing that made him less than a real Jewish king was the fact that he was a Roman client and his position depended entirely on the Roman Emperor Augustus. He was at the beck and call of the Romans. They would often call him to appear before them and he could never refuse and he would never know if he would be able to come back. Makes you wonder, did he try to hide the Romans who propped him up with tweets like this?

Despite thousands of hours wasted and many millions of dollars spent, the Evangelists have been unable to show any collusion with Rome - so now they are moving on to the false accusations and fabricated stories of women who claim to be pregnant by the Holy Spirit.
— Make Herod Great Again (@MakeHerodGreat) December 21, 2017

      That brings us, of course, to the whole question of the role of Herod in Matthew’s nativity story. The specific actions of Herod that Matthew reports – him receiving the Magi at his palace, his consultation about the birth of the messiah, his slaughter of the innocents at Bethlehem – these events are only recorded in the gospel and are found nowhere else in the historical record. On that basis, Herod probably would have been only too happy to declare that Matthew’s account was fake news.

Matthew's Gospel is a total FAKE NEWS account. I never colluded with any wise men. The whole Bethlehem slaughter thing is a fabrication. Most of all there was only ever one "King of the Jews," ME!
— Make Herod Great Again (@MakeHerodGreat) December 29, 2017

      But is that true? Is the gospel account a Christian “fake news” attempt to slander Herod – an attempt to boost their own messiah by bringing down the greatness of another king?
      Well, although there is no evidence for these events outside of the Bible, I would not necessarily call them fake news. At the very least, what Matthew describes in his Gospel certainly fits with what we know of Herod’s character. He is certainly the kind of man whose ego was so fragile that he would have been frightened – though he also wouldn’t have wanted to admit it:

I just heard that #failing Evangelist Matthew says I was afraid when the so-called wise men showed up looking for a king. FAKE NEWS. When will these gospel writers treat Herod fairly?
— Make Herod Great Again (@MakeHerodGreat) December 23, 2017

      Matthew also says that “all Jerusalem” was afraid along with the king in his reaction to the wise men. That also seems to make sense based on what we know of him. He seems to have been exactly the kind of guy to fly off the handle when upset and the people around him would have known that. They would have been afraid of his reaction, as much as Herod might deny it:

When the so-called Wise Men showed up in Jerusalem looking for a King of the Jews who was NOT me, all my advisors around me started getting jumpy. I don't know what they were afraid of (I wasn't afraid) I always act responsibly, I never fly off the handle - well, almost never...
— Make Herod Great Again (@MakeHerodGreat) December 23, 2017

      Whatever Matthew was doing when he wrote his gospel story of the birth of Jesus, he was not just doing a fake news takedown of Herod the Great. The story itself can’t be verified apart from what we read in this one gospel, and how you read the gospel is up to you. But the point of the story was never about King Herod himself and what pathological narcissism and horrible crimes he was admittedly very capable of. Herod, in the gospel story, was never just one man. He was a type. Matthew chose to tell his story in a way that clearly echoes the story of the birth of Moses in the Book of Exodus. Herod in the gospel behaves exactly like Pharaoh does in the story of Moses. The Pharaoh, like Herod, was afraid of a deliverer who might arise among his Jewish slaves and, like Herod, ordered the wholesale slaughter of all Jewish boys under a certain age.
      By echoing the story of Pharaoh in the story of the birth of Jesus, Matthew was saying something very important. He was saying that Herod and Pharaoh are not exceptions. They are the model of what has happened again and again down through history. I’m not just talking about leaders who would actually commit atrocities like the slaughter of innocent children, though, Lord knows, there have certainly been far too many of those throughout human history. I am talking about people who ascend to positions of power and authority but who have a deep flaw in them in that they have an underlying insecurity. They know, somewhere deep down inside, that they have no right to wield the power that they do and that makes them afraid. The evil and foolish things that they do stem from that fear.
      What does it mean that Matthew included a compelling portrait of exactly that kind of leader in his story of the birth of Christ? It stands, for one thing, as a warning that such leaders will come and we need to expect them and do what we can to limit their impact. But the other thing that stands out in Matthew’s Christmas story is this: Herod’s plans fail. There is a new king born in the story and he is a king who is not just better than Herod. He is a king who challenges the very foundations of Herod’s flawed kingdom. It is an assurance for us from God that we are not alone to face the evil that comes into this world, that God has another way, another kind of kingdom and another kind of leadership and that it will triumph in the end.
      I don’t know about you, but some of the political events in our country and in other countries in 2017 have left me discouraged, disillusioned and disengaged. Some of the leaders in whom I placed some hope have disappointed me. Some, from whom I feared the worst, have delivered in spades. Matthew’s Christmas story is there to give you and me hope that God is at work, even in disturbing leaders and events. God will not abandon us or leave us without a way through.
      The underlying message of Matthew’s Christmas story is found in one word that appears in the opening passage: Emmanuel which means God is with us. It means that God hasn’t abandoned us to the whims and the fears of the Herods of this world. It means Herod’s reign, though seemingly endless, has already been destroyed at the roots.

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Episode 1.11 A Journey Reimagined

Posted by on Wednesday, December 20th, 2017 in Minister

The 11th Episode of the Podcast "Retelling the Bible" and the final episode of the first season came out earlier today

During the first season of his podcast, storyteller, W. Scott McAndless is retelling the story of the nativity of Jesus from the Gospel of Luke, trying to help us to look beyond a literalistic interpretation and see how the author is using historical and biblical references. We hope this helps you to hear the story more as the author may have intended.

In this closing episode of the first season, our storyteller, W. Scott McAndless offers a new picture of Mary and Joseph walking down the road to Bethlehem given some new possibilities for understanding the journey that we have discovered in the first season of the podcast. Merry Christmas everyone!

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Christmas through Many Voices

Posted by on Monday, December 18th, 2017 in Minister

The centrepiece of our service on December 17, 2017 was a fantastic musical presentation by our choir and musical ensembles called "Christmas Through Many Voices." It was amazing and I am so very thankful to everyone who made it happen and to our Music Director Corey Linforth. As a part of the program, I contributed a few musings from the perspectives of minor characters in the Christmas Story.

Luke 1:26-27
      26 In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Nazareth, 27 to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin’s name was Mary.
Some Reflections from the point of view of Gabriel:
      People think that I came to visit her all decked out in my full kit. You know, the wings, the glowing halo, the bleached white robes. I know that’s what people think; I have seen the pictures. But it really couldn’t be further from the truth and you’d realize it if you thought about it for a little bit. I was sent by God as a messenger – to bring a message that it was my greatest joy to bring. But nothing in my orders said that I had to look like an angel. I came as a wanderer, a vagabond. I knocked on her door looking for a little bit of food and some shelter. And I knew that I had come to the right place when she opened her door so readily and begged me to come in.
      Don’t you see, that is really what the story is about – it is about how we treat the strangers and outsiders who come among us. Everyone remembers the part at the end – when Mary and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem as outsiders and strangers. They were in dire need of someone who would welcome them and offer them a little bit of hospitality. But there was no place for them, but not because there was a lack of space. What there was was a lack of kindness and of hospitality. The strangers were shut out.
      But what was lacking at the end of the story, was definitely present at the beginning when I knocked on Mary’s door. I knew she didn’t care where I came from, what I looked like or what I had done. She took me as I was and shared food and shelter on behalf of her family. So when I said, “Greetings, favoured one! The Lord is with you,” it was because I truly felt that way. We angels have feelings too, you know, and it is good to have someone accept you as you are.
      Say, here’s an idea, if you want to celebrate Christmas in a way that truly honours the Christ who came and the mother who bore him, try doing what Mary did. Don’t reject someone because they are different from you – because they don’t say Merry Christmas or celebrate the way you do at this time of year for example. Treat a stranger or an outsider as a friend and just see if something amazing doesn’t happen as a result. It certainly did for Mary.
Isaiah 7:14
      14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Look, the young woman is with child and shall bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel.
Some Reflections from the point of view of Isaiah:
      I’ll tell you a secret. It is true that the book that you call the Old Testament is full of passages that point to the coming of Jesus – prophecies of a coming Messiah that Jesus did fulfill. But if you think that we prophets knew all about it ahead of time, you have another think coming. In fact, most of the time when we spoke the “Word of the Lord,” we were speaking on God’s behalf about current events – about what God was doing in the world right then and how God wanted us to respond.
      Like, for example, when I spoke to the king about the young woman who was going to conceive and have a son and name him Immanuel, I was talking about the sign that God was going to give to the king at that particular moment of national crisis. You should have seen the look on my face, though, when, centuries later, I heard that that prophesy also perfectly anticipated what the coming of the Messiah in Jesus Christ meant! It was so wild!
      But that is how prophecy really works, you see. You don’t get some magical view into far future events that won’t make any sense to anybody until centuries later. That kind of prophecy would be so totally useless that no one would remember it much less write it down. Prophecy – speaking God’s word – is something anyone can do who becomes aware of what God is doing in the world right now and is bold enough to announce it. It is God who takes it from there and continues to make it relevant for many generations on into the future.
      Your job is simply to speak God’s word for right now. Leave the rest to God.
Luke 2:20
      20 The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen, as it had been told them.
Some Reflections from the point of view of the sun that rose on Christmas Day:
      The part of the story that they won’t tell you is that, while that was going on – while the shepherds made their way back from their visit to the manger – I looked down on them and on the whole earth with joy. It was Christmas morning, but somehow the world I was looking down on was different from the one that I had set on the night before.
      What was different? Well, despite the good work that I did, there were still many corners of darkness to be found upon that earth (that will always be true until I shine on it no more) but there was now a light that can shine out even in the midst of the darkness and the darkness will never quench it.
      The world I had set on was a world beautifully and wonderfully made by a Creator who cared for every bird and every blade of grass, but it was a world apart from its Creator who had never been able to experience the pain, passion, despair and abandonment that took place within that sphere. The earth I rose over now had a Creator and a God who had willingly entered into its life as a creature.

      But most of all, the world that had said goodbye to me the night before was a world where death ruled, where it had always had the final word and where its power had never been challenged. As I came up that Christmas morning and the sound of a child wailing for his mother to feed him echoed far across the hills around Bethlehem, the first cracks in death’s regime were beginning to appear. Death’s brave face would be shattered once and for all once I had risen only another ten thousand times.
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