Mission Sunday is coming soon!
Please plan to join us on Sunday, May 28th for Mission Sunday.
We have a special guest speaker coming to worship with us.
Following worship we will have a potluck lunch together while we check out the mission and outreach that our church family and church have done and are doing.
If possible please bring a finger food type of potluck to share with others, please no peanuts or shellfish.
Afterlife? Reunification?
Hespeler, 14 May, 2017 © Scott McAndless – Christian Family Sunday
2 Samuel 12:15b-23, Mark 12:18-27, Responsive: Selected
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ou all know that today is Mother’s Day. But do you know why? You might think that this day came into existence because of the efforts of the greeting card industry or the florists or the chocolatiers who banded together and came up with the day to make lots of sales during what would otherwise be the very slow month of May, but that is not the case. The existence of Mother’s Day as we know it today is largely due to the efforts of one woman named Anna Jarvis.
Anna Jarvis was not a mother herself, but she (like everyone I guess) had a mother – a very extraordinary mother named Ann Reeves Jarvis who had done amazing things in working for peace during the American Civil War and for reconciliation afterwards. But Ann Reeves Jarvis, as is the way of all flesh, did eventually die and more than anything her daughter created Mother’s Day and lobbied to have it recognized out of a desire to keep the memory of her mother alive – a way to make sure that the woman she had lost never really went away.
And that was it, by the way. Anna Jarvis didn’t want it to be about anything else and she absolutely deplored everything that Mother’s Day became once she got it established. She deplored the commercialization of it and spent most of the rest of her life feuding with card companies and florists and chocolatiers. Though she never became a mother herself, people from all over the United States would send her presents every year for Mother’s Day and she refused every single one of them.
She became bitter and angry and, in the end, died in poverty and obscurity. It is hard when something that you created according to your o