News Blog

Spud Sunday!

Posted by on Sunday, September 28th, 2014 in News

It was Spud Sunday Today (September 28)!

We brought in all of our potatoes that we planted in the spring and had a friendly "weigh in" competition to see who the "Grand Gardener" would be.

All potatoes and other fruit and vegetables were donated to Thursday Night Supper & Social.

Well done everyone!

Weighing everyone's biggest potato.

Co-Grand Gardener!

Co-Grand Gardener!

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Spuds … spuds … spuds!

Posted by on Monday, September 22nd, 2014 in News

This week's homework!  
Dig up those potatoes we planted in the spring, clean them off and bring them to church this Sunday, September 28th.  
We will weigh each person's biggest potato to see who will win the "Grand Gardener" title.  A small prize will be awarded to the winner and runner-up!

Our potatoes will be donated to Thursday Night Supper & Social.

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Mission Sunday, September 21 at 10:00 am

Posted by on Tuesday, September 16th, 2014 in News

The Mission Team will be sharing their experiences from July's trip to Winnipeg Inner City Missions.  Please join us for this very special worship service, at 10:00 am.

Having a picnic in the park with the children & wonderful staff from Flora House.

The Quilt of Remembrance

Preparing lunch for the Sunday picnic/worship in the park.  Our first "job" of our trip.

Another road trip with the older age group of children from Flora House.

Sunday's picnic/worship in the park!

Part of our tour of The Forks with Vivian.

We met Ghandi!

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The Lighthouse Society

Posted by on Saturday, September 13th, 2014 in Minister

Once upon a time, there was a lovely little coastal village. Life was good and peaceful there but there was one little problem. The nearby coast was treacherous and unforgiving to passing sailors. It seemed like there were shipwrecks just about every week. And so the villagers all got together and decided to do something about this terrible problem.

They decided to pool all of their resources and build a tall and beautiful tower. It would stand on the shoreline and offer warning and guidance to all who passed that way. They formed a society to make sure that the light was always lit, that the foghorn was ready to go off in bad weather and to ensure that the tower continued to stand and do its job. It was a wonderful achievement that made them rightfully proud.

There were some other benefits of all this work. In those days, the Lighthouse Society was the most important and most active association in the village. Everyone wanted to be part of it. Meetings of the society became the most important social events of the year. They had fun together, talked about important things and raised the funding to keep everything going. They never forgot, though, that they only existed to offer guidance and protection to passing ships.

But time went by and it somehow became easier for the people to focus on the meetings themselves and especially on what they were getting out of them. The meetings were a comfortable part of some of the people's lives and so they got upset when things happened during them that were unexpected or unusual. But then there were others who complained that the meetings were too boring if it was always the same old thing.

As the culture of the village changed, people started to have other options for social interaction than just belonging to the Lighthouse Society. Feeling that they weren't quite getting everything that they wanted from the meetings, they started attending sporadically or even not at all. This led to a general feeling of discouragement in the society. Alarmed, the leadership began to focus on the meetings of the society to make sure that they pleased to greatest number of people possible.

This was not an easy thing to accomplish, of course. They spent a lot of time and a fair bit of money trying to come up with solutions. It was an all-absorbing problem and so you can hardly blame them if, in the midst of all that important work, nobody bothered to change the light bulb in the tower when it burned out. And when the foghorn rusted out, nobody bothered to fix it. They had other things on their minds.

Of course, it was a shame about the shipwreck...
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Work … work … work …

Posted by on Wednesday, September 10th, 2014 in News

Progress is going well (and quickly) on our facility.
Thank you to the members (and others) of our Operations Committee for all of your dedication and hard work!

The Fellowship room, ready to be painted.

Vern cleaning up!  The Fellowship Hall, being painted.

Painting the Fellowship Hall.

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Our last morning …

Posted by on Friday, July 18th, 2014 in News

Guess what we are making for snack? 

They look great and it smells very good in the kitchen!


Melted Chocolate ...

… and bananas!

Taking turns melting the chocolate!

The other group; playing games and waiting for their turn in the kitchen!

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