News Blog


Posted by on Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 in News

Don't forget to check the calendar on our website.  It has just been up-dated to reflect the start up of many of our programs.  Keep checking back in as we try our best to keep everything up-to-date and current.
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Posted by on Thursday, August 8th, 2013 in News

Share the warmth

At a meeting last night, the “Share the Warmth” Committee came together to select a logo for our financial campaign to be put towards a replacement for our failing heating system.

We thank the people of St. Andrew’s for their many excellent submissions. We’d like to use several of them in our campaign in various ways and will feature them here on the web page too.

The winning submission and the official logo was by Amy Lightfoot and we are very pleased to introduce it here. The campaign will officially launch on Sunday, September 8th.

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Fun with Lisa!

Posted by on Tuesday, July 30th, 2013 in News

Who knew fruits and vegetables could be so much fun? 
Thank you, Lisa, for teaching us so much about the benefits of eating healthy, and for letting us have so much fun creating "food art".
There's so many photos because all the children wanted me to take a picture of their creation!

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