News Blog

Planning for Summer!

Posted by on Thursday, May 2nd, 2013 in News

Music Day Camp 

August 12 - 16; 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Explore music, nature and faith in a safe and encouraging atmosphere.  This camp is for older campers, Grades 3 - 9.  
Campers will have a chance to play or try out many different instruments and then choose an instrument to work on for the remainder of the week. No previous musical experience is necessary, just a willingness to learn something new.
A Friday evening worship service will highlight everything the campers have learned through out the week.  You will not want to miss this worship service. Everyone is invited to attend this worship service, even if you didn't have children or grandchildren involved in the camp.  Be prepared to be amazed!

Registration forms can be found at St. Andrew's Hespeler. 

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The Deadline to Register is May 8th

Posted by on Tuesday, April 30th, 2013 in News

The deadline to register is May 8th!

A weekend to renew mind, body and spirit for women 19 and older.

June 7 - 9, 2013

An event planned with every woman in mind with lots of fun surprises!

The $200.00 cost is all inclusive.

Hosted by St. Andrew's Fellowship Committee

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Which of the two did the will of his Father?

Posted by on Monday, April 29th, 2013 in Minister

.... based on a recent email discussion with some colleagues.

An interpretation of Matthew 21:28 - 32

Two sons went to a Sunday worship service where their father, a minister, was preaching. The sermon that day was on the topic of the good news about Jesus Christ and how we ought to be willing to share that good news whenever an appropriate opportunity arises.

The first son came into the service and sat quietly and respectfully while he listened to every word. Afterwards he never mentioned where he had been that morning or what had been said.

The second son arrived at the service just after it began. As soon as he arrived, he took out his phone and checked in on foursquare (earning a few dirty looks from the people around him). A little bit later in the service, he took a picture of the worship band and tweeted it to his followers. During the sermon, he posted something his father said as his status on Facebook.

Which of the two do you suppose respected the words of his Father?
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Looking for a good book to read?

Posted by on Thursday, April 25th, 2013 in News

The Book Room recommends "I Shall Not Hate", by Izzeldin Abuelaish

A Palestinian doctor who was born and raised in the Jabalia refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, Izzeldin Abuelaish is an infertility specialist who lives in Gaza but works in Israel. The Gaza doctor has been crossing the lines in the sand that
divide Israelis and Palestinians for most of his life--as a physician who treats patients on both sides of the line, as a humanitarian who sees the need for improved health and education for women as the way forward in the Middle East. And, most recently, as the father whose daughters were killed by Israeli soldiers on January 16, 2009, during Israel''s incursion into the Gaza Strip.

It was Izzeldin''s response to this tragedy that made news and won him humanitarian awards around the world. Instead of seeking revenge or sinking into hatred, he called for the people in the region to start talking to each other. His deepest hope is that his daughters will be "the last sacrifice on the road to peace between Palestinians and Israelis."

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National Volunteer Appreciation Week!

Posted by on Monday, April 22nd, 2013 in News

"I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers." Ephesians 1:16  

We are so blessed by all of the wonderful, caring people who help make our programs and events, worship services and service to each other and our community possible.  Thank you to each and every one of you!
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Calling all photographers …

Posted by on Thursday, April 18th, 2013 in News

.....  okay, here's your next challenge ..... it is spring ..... please prove it!  Please send me your Spring pictures (they don't have to be from this year) so that I can post them on our bulletin board, have them used on the screen before worship and posted to facebook.  I think there should be some great opportunities today!  Thanks, Joni  ([email protected])
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Dinner Musical Theatre

Posted by on Friday, April 12th, 2013 in News

Dinner Musical Theatre

Come out for an evening of great food; silent and chance auctions; fun; and music, all in support of GO! Camping Summer Programs.

Saturday, May 11th

Dinner at 5:00 pm

Concert at 7:00 pm

Tickets are available from the church office; 519-658-2652.

Concert only $8.00
Dinner & Concert:  $15.00 per person or
Dinner & Concert:  $40.00 per person (includes a tax receipt for $25)

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Posted by on Friday, April 12th, 2013 in News

Garage Sale season is set to begin!  The Athalie Read Group will be holding their annual garage sale on 
Saturday, May 4th @ 8:00 am 
in the church gym.  
Donations of items (please no electronics or encyclopedias) will be accepted on Friday, May 3rd.

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An Escapegoat Ritual

Posted by on Tuesday, March 19th, 2013 in Minister

Recently I had a very interesting experience - something that had never happened before in my ministry. I had preached a sermon on the topic of the Day of Atonement in Ancient Israel which is described in Leviticus 16. If you want a reminder of the basic outline of the day, you can watch this St. Andrew's Stars version of the story:

The Day of Atonement

In my sermon I put particular emphasis on the Escapegoat portion of the ritual.

(I chose to use the word "Escapegoat" because the word "scapegoat" has taken on a very particular meaning in English. The word was invented by William Tyndale when he made the first translation of the Old Testament into English from the original Hebrew. He meant it to mean "the goat that escaped" but he simply dropped the initial "e" due to the very fluid spelling of the time.)

My suggestion was that the escapegoat ritual provided a means for the people to release some of the negative energy that builds up when people live alongside one another in community. When we live, work and dream side by side, there are always going to be things that happen that hurt or wound or divide. People say things that hurt someone's feelings, people disagree in non-constructive ways, people are unthinking or unfeeling in their dealings with each other.

I think that the escapegoat ritual provided a way to take all of that negative energy that builds up over time and release it - let it go so that people could just start all over again. I think that we all need things like that from time to time.

I liked my sermon. I certainly felt that it helped me to see the passage in a new light and I hoped that it helped some others too.

Shortly afterwards I was leading a group meeting. And I knew that there had been over time some negative energy built up in the group. I won't give any details about it, of course, but it wasn't really anything unusual. It was just the ordinary kinds of feelings that can develop at times when people disagree or sometimes make mistakes in relating to others.

As I prepared for the meeting, I decided to do something that I had never done before. I decided to apply what I had preached directly to a situation.

(Yes, I know that doesn't sound too good. Surely, if I am expecting other people to apply what I preach to their lives, I ought to be doing that regularly too. Why don't I do it all the time! Well, at least I think I'm starting to learn.)

Anyways, I brought out the sheep that we had used to film our Star's video and we passed it around the group and gave everyone the chance to speak what was on their hearts. It was a very good and very meaningful exercise and it did open the door to some healing. The redemptive power of the escapegoat ritual was demonstrated for me and I felt truly blessed to be part of the group. Clearly I need to listen to what I preach more often!

And, yes, I did offer people to dropkick the sheep afterwards but nobody took me up on it!

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Time is running out …

Posted by on Thursday, March 14th, 2013 in News

Your Mission & Outreach Committee is selling products from MacMillan's.  Proceeds from this sale will enable us to reach out into the community, provide information about St. Andrew's to our community, and help community members begin or continue on their faith journeys.  Please consider buying any of MacMillan's quality, tasty goodies or meats.

The MacMillan's products will be on sale this Sunday for the last time and then order forms will still be available until Wednesday, March 20th. 

Thank you for supporting this fundraiser!

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