News Blog

Calling all Shutterbugs!

Posted by on Tuesday, February 5th, 2013 in News

An informal morning for photography buffs:

Bring your camera and laptop (we're going to be working on macs) to this informative and fun workshop.  We are pleased to welcome Stan Jones who will lead us this month.  Stan will be giving us some good photography tips and a beginner's class on using photoshop.  Please let Joni ([email protected]) know if you will be attending as space is limited.  All ages and stages are welcome to attend.
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Community Clothing Centre

Posted by on Thursday, January 24th, 2013 in News

Did you know that St. Andrew's Hespeler hosts the Community Clothing Centre.  If you or anyone you know is in need of some good, clean, gently used clothing for this cold weather come down to the church when the CCC is open.  The hours are:  Tuesdays, 12 noon - 3:00 pm; Wednesdays, 9:30 am - 1:30 pm; and Thursdays, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm.
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STARS news!

Posted by on Tuesday, January 22nd, 2013 in News

 Calling all STARS ..... we are taping again this Sunday.  Our videos are always better when everyone is involved.  If you would like to bring a friend along, they would be welcome to join us!
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Scratch That.

Posted by on Thursday, January 10th, 2013 in Minister

Last week I shared some rambling thoughts about what I might preach about during Lent this year. After giving it a bit of thought I have pretty much abandoned those ideas.

This is mostly because of the great reactions that I got to my sermon last week. I preached about forgiveness and, as I explored the theme, I found myself digging deep into the Old Testament notions and practice of sacrifice. I realize how essential it is to understand where these kinds of concepts, like forgiveness, came from in the first place.

The fact of the matter is that when the early church tried to understand what the life and, especially, what the death of Jesus really meant, the first place they looked was to Old Testament practices and concepts. Jesus, in their reflections, became the sacrificial lamb, the scapegoat, the passover lamb and much more. How can we possibly think that we will be able to realize the true significance of what Jesus accomplished on the cross if we have misconceptions about the central concepts of ancient religion that the Christian understanding was based on.

The early Christians could assume that their members knew what a sacrifice looked like, what it smelled like and even what it tasted like. That is no longer the case. So we're going to go back and take a crash course on these Old Testament practices. I hope you find it enlightening.

And, don't worry, I'm not planning to build an altar and bring in a fatted calf...

... but not that you mention it....
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Posted by on Friday, January 4th, 2013 in News

 For anyone in the Kitchener/Waterloo/Cambridge/Guelph area. You are invited to our Camp Fair on Saturday, January 12th; 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. Find out what summer programs are available at St. Andrew's Hespeler and the surrounding community. This promises to be an action and fun filled time!

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Is it time to think about Lent?

Posted by on Thursday, January 3rd, 2013 in Minister

I know exactly what you are going to say to me. Didn't we just make it through the Christmas season? Isn't Christmas actually not even over yet until the season officially ends on the sixth of January with the start of Epiphany?

That is all very true. But it doesn't change the fact that the season of Lent will begin just a little bit more than a month from now. I have considered mounting an appeal on the grounds that Easter is clearly coming far too early this year, but I understand that the scheduling is all tied up with other matters (something to do with full moons and solstices) and so I expect it will be denied.

So really, Lent will be upon us before we know it and so I am turning my thoughts to my preaching during that very important season. Today I had a bit of inspiration. I was thinking of the traditional practice associated with the season of Lent (mostly practiced by Roman Catholics) of "giving up" something for Lent. The idea is that you are supposed to give up something that you like (like chocolate or meat or coffee) for the season as a kind of special personal sacrifice. It is a fine practice, but I have never really taken it up because it is not really part of my traditions.

But I have been thinking of using the practice to spur my preaching in the upcoming season. I want to ask the question, "What do I want to give up for Lent." But I don't want to talk about giving  up things. It is maybe too easy to give up things and I'm not sure it always gives the right message -- the idea of giving up something but not because it is a bad thing, merely because it is a certain time of the year. What I want to talk about giving up is certain attitudes -- particularly those attitudes that we sometimes cling to because they make us feel good but that are generally not all that helpful. Perhaps we could use this season to try and see what living without those attitudes could be like. We may find that we could all do a lot better without them.

What kind of attitudes am I talking about? How about, for example, the attitude where we want everything to be always organized to our liking and we don't ever allow for spontaneity. I think that attitude can sometimes be deadly in a church. Sometimes, I think, God is more present in the spontaneous moment or reaction that in anything we can ever plan. But that is just one example that comes to my mind.

What do you think? What attitudes do you think that we could take a break from during Lent? I'd love to hear your suggestions.

Also need some pithy titles!
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Posted by on Monday, December 24th, 2012 in Minister

And now, folks, here are the results of the final round of voting! Thanks to everyone who participated. Please join us for the sermons you chose in January!

These were our previous winners:
January 6: How can we learn to forgive others, "as the Lord has forgiven us"?
January 13: What do I say to my Atheist friend? (Ammunition for a friendly debate)
January 20: Don’t look back cause you’re not going that way

10 votes
Where is Eden? (Divine  Geography)
13 votes
Have you ever known God?? How do we find him? Where do we find him?
11 votes
"Sometimes I wish I could be like a preacher in the movies"
12 votes
I think you should preach about what led you to this ministry
42 votes
Prove Jesus exists without using the Bible as a Reference
54 votes
Why do good things happen to bad people?
18 votes
Modern Day Prophecy
19 votes
How does God hear all our prayers?
45 votes
Preach about the significance and symbolism of the numbers 3, 7, 12, 40 and how they unify the Old and New Testaments?
18 votes
9 votes
The encounter of Jesus with the woman at the well (John 4) – how does it relate to other stories in the Bible that take place at wells?
16 votes
"Out of Egypt I have called my Son." What role does Egypt play in the birth of Christianity?
66 votes
Depression and Anxiety: How to bring hope peace and comfort to the people we love who suffer through times of darkness.

And the winning suggestion, chosen for January 27 with 66 votes is Depression and Anxiety: How to bring hope peace and comfort to the people we love who suffer through times of darkness.

Thanks to everyone for participating!

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Posted by on Saturday, December 22nd, 2012 in News

Whew, got the bulletin done for tomorrow. Here's part of the cover and a bit from inside. Guess we'll have to have a service after all!

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