News Blog

Okay, this is pretty freaky.

Posted by on Thursday, November 21st, 2013 in Minister

Last Sunday I preached on Matthew 25:31-46 where Jesus tells his followers that if they feed the hungry, clothe the naked and offer hospitality to the homeless, they actually have served him by doing such things.

I related that to some of the things that we do at St. Andrew's particularly to the things that happen on a typical Thursday when we welcome people to a free clothing centre, when we host the Cambridge Self-Help food bank and host the community for a Supper and Social.

This was the exact wording of the second last paragraph of my sermon:

"So, yes, I do declare it without reservation and without doubt. Jesus has been here this week. He may have stopped by at other times. In fact, I wouldn’t be entirely surprised to encounter him before I leave today – maybe in one of you. But I know for sure that he was here on Thursday. I’m pretty sure that he will stop by next Thursday too."

So guess what happens tonight at the supper. One of the women who helps with the clothing centre (who knows nothing of what I preached) motions me over and says:

"Hey, pastor, we had a busy day at the clothing centre today. We had a new client come by and he loved it. I think he was from Mexico. He said his name was.....

(wait for it)

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Gold? Silver?

Posted by on Tuesday, November 12th, 2013 in News

January 16, 2014, 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm in the foyer,
St. Andrew's Hespeler

This is a reminder of the Gold Party on Thurs., January 16th, sponsored by the Athalie Read Group. Gather all your unwanted gold and silver jewellery, flatware, watches, etc. and drop in to the Church foyer between 5 and 8 pm. You will have your items appraised and you are free to accept or reject the offer. If you accept, you will be paid in cash. You keep the money and the Athalie Read group will get a commission from the company which will be donated to Share the Warmth campaign.

Please RSVP to Betty Clarke at [email protected] or 519-658-9574.  We look forward to seeing you for this fun event. If you are unable to attend, a member from our group would be happy to pick up any items you wish to sell. We will get an appraisal and call you.

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Two beautiful musical selections …

Posted by on Thursday, November 7th, 2013 in News

This past Sunday, November 3rd, Soulidified, St. Andrew's Youth Group led our worship service.  Below are two of the musical selections that our youth sang for us.  

The first hymn, Teach Us to Pray, is a beautiful hymn that can inspire all of us.

Teach Us to Pray

The second piece was written by one of our young members.  It will open your eyes to what our young people deal with in their lives, and how they deal with their problems.

How to Live Life

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Posted by on Monday, November 4th, 2013 in News

Okay, folks, I have some big news on the "Caesar's Census, God's Jubilee" front. My book continues to sell as an ebook on many retail sites but I have had far too many people asking how they can possibly obtain a printed copy that I have been persuaded to enter into an agreement to get the book printed through a print-on-demand publisher. The printed book will be available, within a day or two, at It will also be sold at though that might take a day or two more. The list price is $9.99 US.

There is one big drawback to all this: the printed book will not be available on or through any retailer in Canada which means that, if purchased, it must be shipped across the border which can be complex and expensive.

I will be ordering a box of books and paying the shipping for them. I will then distribute them at St. Andrew's Hespeler Presbyterian Church to anyone who orders one from me for $10 Canadian. Please let me know if you would like me to order one for you.

One plus -- the publisher had software to create a new cover for my book that I really like!
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Posted by on Monday, November 4th, 2013 in Minister

Okay, folks, I have some big news on the "Caesar's Census, God's Jubilee" front. My book continues to sell as an ebook on many retail sites but I have had far too many people asking how they can possibly obtain a printed copy that I have been persuaded to enter into an agreement to get the book printed through a print-on-demand publisher. The printed book will be available, within a day or two, at It will also be sold at though that might take a day or two more. The list price is $9.99 US.

There is one big drawback to all this: the printed book will not be available on or through any retailer in Canada which means that, if purchased, it must be shipped across the border which can be complex and expensive.

I will be ordering a box of books and paying the shipping for them. I will then distribute them at St. Andrew's Hespeler Presbyterian Church to anyone who orders one from me for $10 Canadian. Please let me know if you would like me to order one for you.

One plus -- the publisher had software to create a new cover for my book that I really like!

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A Sample of Auction Items

Posted by on Thursday, October 24th, 2013 in News

Our Dessert & Dream Auction is fast approaching.  
It's on Saturday, October 26th; 
viewing and dessert at 7:00 pm with the live auction to begin promptly at 7:30 pm.  
There will be many items for live auction as well as silent auction.  

There are also several baskets, not pictured:  
a Spa Package, The Joy of Christmas, Movie Night, Hot Chocolate Lovers basket, to name a few. 

Please join us for the fun and fellowship!  Oh, and bring your friends, too.

Here is a sampling of what's available. 

Beautiful, hand-knit children's sweaters.

 Retired Lia Sophia Jewellery

 Colourful, hand-knit scarves

Home-made Scottish Shortbread + recipe and serving tray

Original Oil Paintings by various artists! (not all are pictured)

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Searching for a new Director of Music

Posted by on Monday, October 21st, 2013 in News

With the recent resignation of Ann Green, Director of Music, St. Andrew's is now searching for a new person to fill the position of Director of Music.  We thank Ann for her many years of musical leadership and enthusiasm.  We wish you all of God's blessings in your future endeavours.

Below is a copy of the "Position", please feel free to pass this on to anyone you may know.

ST. Andrews Hespeler Presbyterian Church

POSITION:   Director Of Music
SCOPESt. Andrews Hespeler Presbyterian Church has a current vacancy for the position of Director of Music.  This contracted position is responsible for the overall music program involving the Sunday  Worship Services and other special services of worship, as well as providing accompaniment, instruction and direction for both the Youth and Adult Choirs, Worship Band, soloists and instrumentalists.
You are encouraged to visit St. Andrews’s Website, to learn more about St. Andrew’s and consider your calling to become a part of our Church family.

Specific Listing of Duties and Responsibilities:
Duties and Responsibilities
The Director of Music will fulfill the following duties and responsibilities:
1.      Services and Worship
·            The Director of Music will provide musical support for regularly scheduled Sunday services, special Christmas services, Easter Services and such other special services of worship as may be mutually agreed upon with the Minister and the Music and Worship Committee.
2.      Choir(s) and Choir Practices
·            The Director of Music will provide the accompaniment, instruction, and direction of the Choir(s), Worship Singers, soloists, instrumentalists. Duties to include:
-      Seating arrangements of choir members
-      Location and preparation and tidiness of choir room and sanctuary for choir practice
·            The Director of Music will hold senior choir practice once a week from the beginning of September through June and any additional practices, if and when necessary for special services or events.
·            The Director of Music will involve the senior choir, whenever possible and practical, with any significant decisions that affects the choir. Regular communication with the Choirs will be carried out. The Choir to be consulted as to the type and selection of Music most preferred.
·            The Director of Music will spearhead recruitment of choir members, and assist in the ongoing spirit of enthusiasm among choir members.
3.      Selection and Presentation of Music
·            The Director of Music will lead the congregation in hymns of praise to the Lord by playing the organ or piano and directing the choir(s).
·            The Director of Music will select and prepare preludes, offertories and postludes to compliment the service and to maintain the continuity of the worship service.
·            The Director of Music will select the anthems to be presented in consultation with the minister.
·            The Director of Music will be responsible to select the music to be purchased with allocated Worship Committee funds.
·            The Director of Music will make arrangements for special music for worship services, e.g. Solos, duets, trios, quartets and instrumental groupings, including:
-      Consultation and selection of special music by the personnel mentioned above.
-      Rehearsing with music presenters prior to the service or event.
4.      Weddings and Funerals
·            The Director of Music will meet with the Minister regarding the dates and times of weddings and funerals.
·            The Director of Music will provide musical accompaniment for weddings
      (Including rehearsals), memorial services and funerals on a fee for service basis, with the fee approved by the session, unless alternative arrangements are negotiated.
·            The Director of Music will select and prepare suitable music for weddings and funerals in consultation with persons involved.
·            The Director of Music will meet and rehearse with presenters prior to weddings and funerals.
5.      Supply Organists
·         The Director of Music will be responsible for arranging and paying for a supply organist.
·         The Director of Music will ensure the proficiency of the supply organist as an accompanist at both the organ and/or piano for both vocal and instrumental groupings.
6.  Musical Instruments
     .     The Director of Music will report to the Music and Worship Committee the     
            Regular maintenance of the church organ and pianos.
    .   The Director of Music will supervise access to, and use of, the church organ,
piano, drums, music stands and audio equipment.

Relationships and Reporting Responsibilities
·     The Director of Music will consult and work closely with the Minister regarding:
-            The inclusion and the position of choir and special music in the order of service of worship
-            The provision of musical services at weddings and funerals as outlined above.
-            The arrangements pertaining to the provision of supply organists.
·     The Director of Music will serve as a non-voting staff resource person to the Music and Worship Committee of Session.

Qualifications and Skills Required:

Candidates for this position should hold advanced musical accreditation (e.g. University or
Conservatory of Music,) and be able to demonstrate a proven ability in the operation of
both the pipe organ and piano. As well, candidates should have several years of experience
and good skills in choral direction and accompaniment. A thorough knowledge of both
traditional Worship music and contemporary Christian music is a preferred asset.  The
successful candidate should be comfortable working with people of various ages and abilities,
as well as being a long range planner with good organizational skills.

To Apply to this Position:

Qualified applicants are requested to submit a cover letter and resume, either on line, via
 mail, or in person, outlining your interest in this position, as well as your relevant
 experience and qualifications, by Friday November 8, 2013.  Thanks to all applicants who
 apply but please note that only those candidates selected to move forward in this
 recruitment, will receive a direct response. 

St. Andrew’s Hespeler Presbyterian Church
Attention:  Reverend Scott McAndless
73 Queen Street East, Cambridge, Ontario
N3C 2A9
Email [email protected]
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Harvest Festival Weekend!

Posted by on Monday, October 21st, 2013 in News

Our Harvest Festival Weekend is coming up.  There is lots of fun planned for everyone. 
There are still tickets available for the Harvest Breakfast on Saturday (8:30 am - 10:00 am).  
You can get your tickets by calling the office, 519-658-2652.

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Posted by on Thursday, October 17th, 2013 in News

St. Andrew's minister, Rev. Scott McAndless, is very pleased to announce that, after working on a book for the past decade or so, he has finally finished. The book examines the story of the birth of Jesus as told in the Gospel of Luke and struggles with a number of historical puzzles that arise from it.

The book has been published under the title, "Caesar’s Census, God’s Jubilee" and we want to take this opportunity to recommend it to you. It may give you some wonderful new perspectives on the Christmas story as you look forward to  reflecting on it this year.

This is not a conservative book – not in its theology nor in its approach to the Bible – and  some may not agree with some of what it saya because of that, but it is a book that goes out of its way to try and respect the original message of the author of the Gospel of Luke and to take seriously the historical situation that Luke describes at the time of the birth of Christ. We think you will enjoy reading it.

It also includes many passages that may help you to reimagine the story in a different light based on the historical setting.

The book is available only as an ebook but you can find it at most online retailers. Here are a few links:

Smashwords: is the publisher and will offer you the book in multiple formats for reading on multiple devices)

Amazon Kindle:

Kobo Reader:

Apple iBooks (Search for the title within the app)

We would especially like to ask for your help spreading word about this book. Would you consider

·        -- Telling others about this book: Text, tweet, email, post on facebook, talk to people about it, include a notice in a bulletin or newsletter. Anything you can do to let people know I would greatly appreciate.

·         Even more important, go on Amazon, Kobo or wherever you have or are willing to make an account and rate and reviewthe book. A review or two makes a big difference when people are considering buying a book. Thanks for your help!

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