News Blog

The Academy of St. Andrew’s Stars!

Posted by on Friday, May 11th, 2012 in News

The Academy is presently accepting nominations for our awards gala on Sunday, June 10, 2012 (following the service).  Please find nomination slips at the back of the sanctuary.  You may nominate as many Stars as you wish in such categories as:  Best Deity, Best Disciple, Best Line, Best Crowd Member, Best Hair Stylist, or any category that you think deserves recognition!  There are ballot boxes at the back of the sanctuary for your completed nomination slip.  Any questions?  Please talk to Scott or Joni.
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TLC (Teacher/Leader) Workshop

Posted by on Monday, April 30th, 2012 in News

Anyone who is involved in ministry with babies, children and youth are warmly invited to attend our Annual TLC Workshop on Monday, May 28th beginning at 6:00 pm with gathering and refreshments.  Opening Worship will begin at 6:30 pm.  We will all begin with our annual Leading With Care orientation and then move to our choice of workshop.  The evening will end with prayer at 9:05 pm.  There is a free will offering to cover the cost of refreshments.

You can still register for this event.  There are still some seats available.  For more information please speak with Joni Smith <[email protected]>

To register online, please visit:

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Rick Warne’s graduation

Posted by on Monday, April 30th, 2012 in News

Rick is graduating, after 8 years of hard work and studying!  He will graduate on Wednesday, May 9th @ 7:30 pm. at Convocation Hall, University of Toronto.  We are arranging bus transportation, so please call the office if you are interested.
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Youth Membership Classes

Posted by on Friday, April 20th, 2012 in News

Youth Membership classes are starting for those in Grade 7 & up.  If you are interested, but not quite sure what is involved please speak with Rev. Scott or Joni. Here is the schedule:
 Sunday, April 22: Scott leading, 11:30 am, in the foyer; please bring your lunch
Sunday, April 29: Joni leading during Sunday School time on the 2nd floor
Sunday, May 6:   Joni leading during Sunday School time on the 2nd floor
Sunday, May 13: Joni leading during Sunday School time on the 2nd floor
Sunday, May 20:  no class
Sunday, May 27:  Scott leading, 11:30 am, in the foyer; please bring your lunch
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Music Day Camp

Posted by on Friday, April 20th, 2012 in News

Music Day Camp; July 30 - August 3, 2012; 9:00 am - 4:00 pm daily.  Exploring our love of God, music and nature.

Students are asked to bring a peanut free lunch.  Snacks will be provided.

Still time to register!  Please call the office at 519-658-2652.

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