The Rev. W. Scott McAndless was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario. Following high school he studied at the University of Toronto earning a bachelor’s degree in History and in Linguistics.

Scott worked for a few years with Campus Crusade for Christ. He was sent to the campus of the Université de Montréal. There he met and later married his wife, Dominique Carignan.

After a few years, Scott received a call to become a minister of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. He enrolled at McGill University and the Presbyterian College where he earned his Bachelors of Theology and Master of Divinity Degrees. While he was studying he served as the student minister of Northlea United Church in Laval, Quebec.

Upon graduation, Scott was called to be the minister of St. Giles Presbyterian Church in Baie D’Urfé, Quebec. He served them for four years and led that congregation through a very difficult decision to dissolve the congregation to better serve the kingdom of God elsewhere.

Next Scott was called to serve at Knox Presbyterian Church, Leamington, Ontario where he worked for 15 years. During his time at Leamington he served for six years on Assembly Council – convening the Long Range Planning Committee for five of those years. He also served as the Moderator of the Presbytery of Essex-Kent from 2001- 2004 (with some brief relief) and as Clerk of Presbytery from 2004- 2011.

In the fall of 2011 he was called to minister to the congregation of St. Andrew’s Hespeler Presbyterian Church in Cambridge, Ontario where he now lives with his wife, Dominique, his two daughters, Gabrielle and Zoé, and his dog Minnie. In the summer of 2014, he and Gabrielle joined a team from St. Andrew’s Hespeler on a mission trip to the Winnipeg Inner City Mission.

Scott enjoys making video skits that illustrate the themes and messages for his worship services with the St. Andrew’s Stars, an acting troupe of kids and young people in the church. These sketches are posted on The StAndrewsStars YouTube Channel .

In 2013, Scott published his first book, Caesar’s Census, God’s Jubilee: Rethinking and Reimagining the Story of Mary and Joseph’s Journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem. The book is available in print on . The e-book version is available wherever e-books are sold. A word of warning, though: if you read this book, you just might not be able to see the old familiar Christmas story in the same way ever again.

Scott is presently serving as the Moderator of Waterloo- Wellington at this time.

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